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Superbugs on the Loose
August 21, 2006Antibiotic-resistant superbugs are back in the news. These are caught and passed around mainly in hospitals, because so many antibiotics are used there, but occasionally they escape and invade the "real world." Some people think that Morgellon's may be a... continued
Is Nessie Real? She Was Once?And Could be Again
August 21, 2006Whether or not the huge creature known as the Loch Ness monster is a living dinosaur, we DO know that millions of years ago, huge carnivorous reptiles resembling Nessie lived in Australia. If the current Nessie isn't real, we may... continued
The Future of Crime
August 19, 2006If we can ever identify the genetic and psychological traits that make people criminals?especially killers?we may be able to lock them away BEFORE they kill. This theme was explored several years ago in the film Minority Report. Now it's becoming... continued
Dynamic Talk with Whitley About The Grays
August 19, 2006On Saturday, Whitley answered questions from hundreds of people in the subscriber chat room about his new novel The Grays and about how it tells the story of his life, in fictional form. He'll be there again soon, so if... continued
UFO Wave in Ireland
August 18, 2006Ireland is experiencing a UFO wave, which is unusual for a country that experiences most of its anomalies in ways that connect directly to the Catholic Church (such as Virgin sightings, etc.), as Whitley discovered when he toured there for... continued
GOOD News About Bird Flu
August 18, 2006We recently gave you an update on the latest information about bird flu. There's some good news from researchers who are working hard to create a vaccine against the H5N1 bird flu virus, which is the kind that attacks humans:... continued
Why are Some People Funny?
August 18, 2006It's known that the younger children in a family have stronger immune systems, due to being exposed to so many diseases picked up by their older siblings. Now it's been discovered that they ALSO have better senses of humor?in fact,... continued
Eating in Restaurants Can Make You DEAF
August 18, 2006People in the US are working longer hours and now both partners usually work full time, which means that people eat in restaurants more often than they used to. Besides making us fatter, this is also making us deaf. Hearing... continued
Amazing William Henry Conference in September
August 17, 2006Join William Henry in Nashville, Tennessee for his extraordinary conference ACTIVATING THE TEMPLE OF LIGHT on Sept. 15-17, 2006, when he presents his all new lecture and slide show. William is fresh from his March-April, 2006 tour of Egypt and... continued
Global Warming to Blame for Many Natural Disasters
August 17, 2006Man-made global warming leads to higher ocean surface temperatures, which creates more?and stronger?hurricanes?as well as other so-called "natural" disasters, such as forest fires, droughts and floods. BBC News reports that climatologists say that global warming will increase the risk of... continued