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Global Warming to Blame for Many Natural Disasters
August 17, 2006Man-made global warming leads to higher ocean surface temperatures, which creates more?and stronger?hurricanes?as well as other so-called "natural" disasters, such as forest fires, droughts and floods. BBC News reports that climatologists say that global warming will increase the risk of... continued
Online Dating?But Not for Humans
August 17, 2006Biologists have tried panda porn, with good results (and pornography is not necessarily a bad thing). Now scientists have started an online dating service for orangutans. Mike Corder writes in LiveScience.com that zookeepers in the Netherlands are trying to find... continued
Do Natural Cures Work?
August 17, 2006Three of the most commonly-used medicinal herbs are Echinacea purpurea, Astragalus membranaceus, and Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice). Doctors who tested them found them to be effective in boosting blood lymphocytes, which are essential to the body's immune system. They also found... continued
The Grays?A Love Story
August 17, 2006In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: "Whitley has written about how he feels about his new novel The Grays. People Magazine calls it 'a great read.' It is based not only on Whitley's own experiences, but also on the... continued
Amazing William Henry Conference in September
August 17, 2006Join William Henry in Nashville, Tennessee for his extraordinary conference ACTIVATING THE TEMPLE OF LIGHT on Sept. 15-17, 2006, when he presents his all new lecture and slide show. William is fresh from his March-April, 2006 tour of Egypt and... continued
Fighting Terrorism on Airplanes
August 16, 2006The recent thwarted terrorist threat to airlines in London has made us all even more nervous about taking flight. What are scientists doing do help keep dangerous chemicals off planes? And what will we do if terrorists begin to target... continued
The Latest on Bird Flu
August 16, 2006Indonesia is currently the country that is the most affected by bird flu. So far, there is no concrete evidence that the virus is passing from person to person, but poultry infected with the disease have been found in almost... continued
If You Fidget, It’s Genetic
August 16, 2006Why do some people seem so calm, even though they may really be frightened, while others fidget constantly, whether they are nervous or not? Some brains may be wired to encourage fidgeting and other restless behaviors, and fidgeting isn't all... continued
Church Published Book Saying 911 was Hoax
August 15, 2006UPDATE - Perhaps as a moral imperative, Westminster/John Knox Press, the official publishing house of the Presbyterian Church, has published a new David Ray Griffin book titled Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action.... continued
Anne’s Diary: Living With the Unknown
August 15, 2006As the publication date of Whitley's new novel The Grays comes ever closer, Anne Strieber reflects on the attacks she knows will come along with it and why she knows this will happen. NOTE: This news story, previously published on... continued