Ocean Slime: Reverse Evolution

August 8, 2006
Modern human life is ruining our oceans. The "rise of slime" is causing the water to become more acidic, killing off many species, some of which may turn out to be essential to slowing down global warming. The runoff from... continued

Will New Egyptian Tomb Lead Us to Another Tut?

August 7, 2006
The Valley of the Kings Foundation has announced that they have used radar to discover a new, hidden tomb that has beendesignated KV64. It has not yet been excavated or explored, but it is in the same general area where... continued

Good Hurricane News

August 7, 2006
Atlantic Ocean surface temperatures are not as high asexpected this hurricane season, and forecasters have reducedthe probable number of Atlantic hurricanes from nine to six.The probability of an intense hurricane making landfall inthe US this year is 73%. Normally, this... continued

An Apple a Day is Brain Food

August 7, 2006
Apples and apple juice may be among the best foods that people of EVERY age can consume, according to new research. Apple products can help boost brain function in ways similar to medication (however, it should be noted that this... continued

Nazis Still Around Today

August 4, 2006
This week's Dreamland show talks about the sinister forces that are all around us?specifically Nazis, who, despite what most people think, HAVE NEVER REALLY GONE AWAY. But at least some of them have finally been defeated: Phil Davison writes in... continued

Congressman Vows to Fight Global Warming Bill

August 4, 2006
House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo) has said that he will make sure that the 110th Congress will NOT address the climate problem. He offered as his reason that "the information is not adequate," despite the fact that, as long... continued

Who’s Dying in the Current Heat Wave?

August 4, 2006
MORE UPDATES - Heat waves kill the elderly, both here and in the rest of the world. Sociologists have discovered that?in the US at least?severe heat waves kill more people in neighborhoods where there are few inviting businesses to draw... continued

LISTEN to Buzz Aldrin Talk About Seeing a UFO

August 4, 2006
On Coast to Coast AM, astronaut Buzz Aldrin denied seeing a UFO on the Apollo 11 mission, despite the fact that a recent UK documentary revealed a recording of his voice, saying, "There was something out there that, uh, was... continued

Devastating Male Disease Traced to Corn

August 3, 2006
We've recently written about the surprising evils of corn. Now it turns out that, along with baby bottles, corn may be at least partly responsible for the terrible epidemic of prostate cancer now sweeping the Western world. UCLA researchers have... continued

Controversy: Did Buzz Aldrin See UFOs on Apollo 11 Mission?

August 3, 2006
On Coast to Coast AM on Sunday night, George Noory asked astronaut Buzz Aldrin if he had seen any unknown objects on Apollo 11. He replied by telling the story of how he had sued Charles Berlitz for publishing a... continued