Time Travel–More Confirmation

July 31, 2006
On July 19, Whitley Strieber wrote about what seemed to be a time travel experience, during which he says, "I was given a sheet of paper that felt more like plastic than paper. Today he discovered that this device is... continued

Famous Waterfall Dries Up

July 31, 2006
Whitley recently wrote about signs of climate change in the Brazilian rain forest. Now there are reports that Iguazu Falls in Brazil has slowed to a trickle. This huge body of falling water is normally bigger than either Niagara Falls... continued

Should You Keep Your Kids Out of the Pool This Summer?

July 31, 2006
In Europe, the number of children with asthma rises 2 to 3% for every new indoor swimming pool that is installed, meaning that asthma, in Western Europe at least, could at least partly be due to the exposure of children... continued

A Conspiracy Bestseller is Back

July 30, 2006
Conspiracy buffs are interested in REAL information, not just internet rumors, so they're snapping up Peter Levenda's Sinister Forces Book One and Book Two so fast that we can hardly keep them in stock, and Sinister Forces Three is on... continued

Why Asians are Better at Math

July 28, 2006
Why do Asians do much better at math?both in school, and afterwards? (They also have less dyslexia). It may have to do with the structure of their written languages. Roxanne Khamsi writes in New Scientist that the language you speak... continued

Oil Shortage? Use Antimatter!

July 28, 2006
We've been writing stories about using hydrogen fuel in order to get past the oil shortage and avoid the pollution that comes with burning fossil fuels. But hydrogen is only the start?what we REALLY need is to run our engines... continued

Aren’t Polio Vaccinations GOOD?

July 28, 2006
As more and more children in third world countries are immunized against polio, scientists are discovering something strange: new forms of the disease are cropping up, as the new forms of the virus are mutating into existence in places where... continued

Why It’s Too Darn HOT

July 27, 2006
A scientist caused a storm in the atmospheric community a few years ago when he suggested that tiny airborne particles, known as aerosols, may be one of the main culprits causing climate change, having an even GREATER impact than greenhouse... continued

That Spooky Feeling?

July 27, 2006
Most of us have had feelings of d NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued

Whitley Talks About The Grays in New Journal

July 27, 2006
In his latest journal, Whitley writes about his new novel The Grays: "I have not written about any forms that I have not personally encountered and?this will surprise you when you read the book?I have not invented any of the... continued