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Don’t Eat Like an African
June 26, 2006The problem is not only that many Africans don't have enough to eat, it's that they're very fond of bush meat, which is the wild game of Africa. The problem is that this includes monkey meat, which is being illegally... continued
Will Earth Become Like Venus?
June 26, 2006Stephen Hawking says it will, if global warming continues the way it's going now. Hawking says he is "very worried about global warming'' because the earth "might end up like Venus, at 250 degrees centigrade and raining sulfuric acid.'' In... continued
Junk Science Taught Worldwide
June 26, 2006Scientists around the world are concerned about creationism being taught in schools, instead of evolution. For them, this is all part of the trend towards junk science, which shapes facts to fit beliefs?at a time when, more than ever, we... continued
The Mystery of Morgellons
June 26, 2006We wrote a story over a year ago about a mysterious disease which is affecting people primarily in California and Florida. Then we found out that this may not be a real disease. It could also be the strange skin... continued
Our Server Will be Down Sunday AM
June 24, 2006Our server will be down from 9-10 am Pacific time on Sunday, June 25, so read our great news and listen to our wonderful radio show today (and tomorrow afternoon)...and while you're here, subscribe today! We need your support. NOTE:... continued
Don’t Use Your Cell Phone in the Rain
June 23, 2006Three doctors in this week's British Medical Journal warn of the risk of using cell phones outdoors during stormy weather. A 15-year-old girl was struck by lightning while using her cell phone in a large park in London during a... continued
Secret Bird Flu Death Discovered in China
June 23, 2006Three years ago, China officially denied that the SARS epidemic existed there?until it eventually spread around the world. China finally admitted that SARS began in their country, but they still haven't acknowledged that bird flu exists there. But forensic detectives... continued
SUVs Invade UK
June 23, 2006Several years ago, we asked the question, are SUVs evil? We're used to these huge vehicles in the US, and the high price of gas means we're seeing fewer of them, but they're fairly new in the UK. Doctors there... continued
Too Wet?or Not Enough
June 22, 2006According to a recent study, recent hurricane seasons, triggered by global warming, did a lot more than spread misery and financial woe in Florida and New Orleans. When four hurricanes crossed the state of Florida in 2005, the huge rainfall... continued
When Asteroids Collide (on Purpose)
June 22, 2006If an asteroid threatens to come our way, one way to destroy or deflect it would be to fire another asteroid at it, kind of like hitting one ball with another on an outer space pool table. We would find... continued