How to Change the Weather? By Accident!

June 22, 2006
UPDATE - We don't know how to make it rain, but we change the weather all the time without meaning to. If you complain that it always rains on the weekend, you're right: pollution, caused by car exhaust from commuters... continued

A New Moral Quandary

June 21, 2006
In vitro fertilization has caused a few problems, but it has brought new hope to couples who were formerly unable to conceive. One controversial side effect is that embryos with genetic diseases can be culled. This brings up a brand... continued

Life is Just a Bowl of?.

June 21, 2006
If you have sore muscles from exercise, you can cure them?or even prevent them?with cherry juice. No, you don't rub it on your skin, you drink it. And cherries are in season right now. Cherry juice can reduce muscle pain... continued

Wars Now Being Fought by Kids

June 21, 2006
Most of us remain confused by the prevalence of war, but we feel that at least the people fighting them knew what they were getting in to. But that's not always true?it turns out that, increasingly, wars all around the... continued

An End to Piracy (The Movie Kind, Anyway)

June 20, 2006
Movie studios are losing billions of dollars to what they call "movie piracy." For those of you who don't know, this is when someone sneaks a DVD recorder into a movie theater, records the film as he watches it, then... continued

Strong Waves Hitting in Central America

June 20, 2006
Strong waves are striking the Pacific coast of CentralAmerica, with reports of damage to buildings. There was a massive storm off South America last week that producedhurricane-force winds and 50-foot waves, and it is believedthat the waves are from this... continued

Bigfoot Spotted in the Midwest

June 20, 2006
Chicago TV news reports that cryptozoologists are tracking a Bigfoot that has been seen around central Illinois. ABC 7 says that Tom Biscaridi has taken a film crew along on the hunt. He has brought a hand along that he... continued

Horrifying Memo from Baghdad Ambassador

June 20, 2006
A memo marked sensitive from the US Ambassador to Iraq hasbeen obtained by the Independent (London) and Editor andPublisher and the WashingtonPost in the US, that describes a far more chaotic and dangeroussituation than is being generally reported. Iraqi employeesof... continued

Pollution From a Partner

June 20, 2006
We need ethanol more than ever, even if it doesn't reduce air pollution as much as scientists had hoped it would! It's especially needed in China, where they are now trading their bicycles for cars at a fast pace. Since... continued

Who Came First?and How?

June 19, 2006
Who was here first?and how did they get here? The first people to come to North America may have been seal hunters from France and Spain. They wouldn't have crossed over the ice bridge that existed around 13,500 years ago,... continued