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June 19, 2006Will humans eventually live forever? Scientists have grown immortal skin cells in a petri dish?maybe they can someday make us immortal too?but would we want to be? This possibility raises the question of whether this would cause us to spend... continued
Scientists Seriously Studying Near Death
June 19, 2006Scientists, including medical doctors, are meeting in France for the first international conference about near-death experiences. The conference will also contain delegates who have themselves had a near-death experience. One of the scientists and medical people who will be attending... continued
Can Corn Solve the Gas Crisis?
June 19, 2006We know we have a gas crisis?one that leads to not only to global warming from auto emissions, but also to war. Some researchers think that corn can save us?and save faltering Midwestern farms at the same time. But there... continued
Wearing Wolf Teeth
June 16, 2006As we've reported here before, modern man isn't the only one who has gone to the dentist. 4,500-year-old bones were found in Mexico which contained dentures made from jaguar or wolf fangs. George Washington hated his ivory dentures?he would have... continued
Speaking the Language of the Birds
June 16, 2006South America's Aymara Indians of Bolivia, Peru and Chile, have a reverse concept of time: for them, the past is ahead and the future behind. A time traveler might think this way. A Jesuit wrote in the early 1600s that... continued
Night Flights Mean More Global Warming
June 16, 2006Taking that "red eye" overnight flight is more damaging to the environment than daytime air travel because contrails cause more global warming after dark. Winter flights are also harder on the environment than summer flights. And blocks of ice that... continued
A Valentine to Dads
June 16, 2006Anne Strieber wants to remind our readers that while her recent diary SEEMS to be about seeing (or rather, NOT seeing) a movie, if you scroll down, you'll find that it's really a valentine to fathers everywhere, so HAPPY FATHER?S... continued
June 15, 2006We're used to being judged as second-rate among first-world countries, when it comes to health care, but at least we're number one when it comes to universities. But we DO have an emergency, when it comes to our emergency services.... continued
What to Do About an Asteroid
June 15, 2006Computers aren't just used to figure out the present?they can also predict the future. Supercomputers play out various scenarios having to do with global warming?and asteroid impacts. You can be sure that the scenario in Iraq was played out on... continued
When Your Brain is at War
June 15, 2006The old joke about how a woman can't have sex because she has a headache has some truth to it: our brains continually wage war within themselves over which thought?or impulse?will "win" and get our full attention and action. Creative... continued