Volcanic Activity Increasing Rapidly–UPDATE

June 8, 2006
Volcanic activity in the Pacific Ring of Fire appears to beincreasing as volcanoes in Japan and New Zealand becomeactive and eight volcanoes in the Phillipines are put on thewatch list. Mt. Merapi on the island of Java continues to emit... continued

Global Warming: Up Close & Uncomfortable

June 8, 2006
By the year 2100, computers predict that much of Florida's coast will be drowned by the increase in the water level caused by global warming. This will affect fishing, both for sport and for food. Even a 15 inch water... continued

Mars Water

June 8, 2006
We not only have to find a way to get water on the moon, so we can set up Helium 3 mining operations there, we also need to find water on Mars, if we're ever going to be able to... continued

Why Iraq is Such a Mess

June 8, 2006
In the May 27 issue of the British weekly The Spectator, Charles Moore writes about The DaVinci Code book and movie: "The idea that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had children?shows the wisdom of the Catholic Church in insisting on... continued

Huge Crater Evidence of Another Mass Extinction

June 8, 2006
A crater the size of the state of Ohio has been discovered in Antarctica, using NASA satellite photography. Scientists think it was made by an asteroid that impacted the area 250 million years ago, causing the greatest mass extinction on... continued

Dust (Continued)

June 7, 2006
Dust can be both good and bad: dangerous dust is flying all around the world, affecting both people and animals.Dust from space may have seeded life throughout the universe. Two huge dust storms on the planet Jupiter have been raging... continued

Is There Water on the Moon?

June 7, 2006
Many nations are planning trips to the moon, in order to be the first to lay claim to the precious Helium 3 fuel there. But when it comes to setting up a mining operation on the moon, they all have... continued

Exercise and Get High

June 7, 2006
You don't need to smoke pot to get high?all you need to do is exercise! We recently wrote about how you can exercise adequately in just 6 minutes a week. But be sure to lots of sleep afterwards: women who... continued

“Grays” Novel Coming From Whitley in the Fall

June 7, 2006
In his new journal, Whitley writes: "In August, I will publish a work of fiction about the grays, which is intended to bring them to life as people, and to reveal what it is like to be with them. It... continued

How to Quit

June 7, 2006
If Art Bell can do it, ANYBODY can. What's that? Why, you can STOP SMOKING, of course. How? Scientists say there's only one way: go cold turkey. Robin Lloyd writes in LiveScience.com that a sudden decision to quit is two... continued