Is There Water on the Moon?

June 7, 2006
Many nations are planning trips to the moon, in order to be the first to lay claim to the precious Helium 3 fuel there. But when it comes to setting up a mining operation on the moon, they all have... continued

Exercise and Get High

June 7, 2006
You don't need to smoke pot to get high?all you need to do is exercise! We recently wrote about how you can exercise adequately in just 6 minutes a week. But be sure to lots of sleep afterwards: women who... continued

“Grays” Novel Coming From Whitley in the Fall

June 7, 2006
In his new journal, Whitley writes: "In August, I will publish a work of fiction about the grays, which is intended to bring them to life as people, and to reveal what it is like to be with them. It... continued

How to Quit

June 7, 2006
If Art Bell can do it, ANYBODY can. What's that? Why, you can STOP SMOKING, of course. How? Scientists say there's only one way: go cold turkey. Robin Lloyd writes in that a sudden decision to quit is two... continued

Art Bell Reports In

June 6, 2006
Many of you have written us asking about Art Bell, and we've been concerned, too. Now he has reported in, and all is more than well with him. He's living happily with Airyn inManila, but having trouble with customs and... continued

Alien Rain

June 6, 2006
A few years ago we wrote that glaciers melting due to global warming could release ancient, long-dormant bacteria against which humans would no longer have any immunity. So far, much more ordinary things have been uncovered by glacier melt, so... continued

Ancient Portraits

June 6, 2006
The oldest portrait ever created has been discovered on the wall in a cave in France, in an area where a lot of other prehistoric cave art has been discovered. A rock carving (petroglyph) has been discovered in Arizona that... continued

Were Toronto, London Attacks Keyed to 666?

June 6, 2006
Investigators in Toronto and London uncovered possibleterrorist plots last week, and there are eerie connectionsbetween the possible timing of the attacks involved and thedate June 6, 2006, or 666. Since 9/11, there has been a suggestion that terrorists maybe using... continued


June 6, 2006
Today is June 6, 2006?or 666 to numerologists. In the Bible, Revelation 13:18 describes the number "666" as "the number of the beast." No one seems to know exactly what this means, but many people think it refers to something... continued

Working Moms Healthier Moms

June 5, 2006
US citizens are sicker, in general, than their UK and Canadian counterparts, and working moms are healthier than stay-at-homes. While it may seem incredibly stressful to the women who are accomplishing this feat, holding down a job and being a... continued