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Alien Rain
June 6, 2006A few years ago we wrote that glaciers melting due to global warming could release ancient, long-dormant bacteria against which humans would no longer have any immunity. So far, much more ordinary things have been uncovered by glacier melt, so... continued
Ancient Portraits
June 6, 2006The oldest portrait ever created has been discovered on the wall in a cave in France, in an area where a lot of other prehistoric cave art has been discovered. A rock carving (petroglyph) has been discovered in Arizona that... continued
Working Moms Healthier Moms
June 5, 2006US citizens are sicker, in general, than their UK and Canadian counterparts, and working moms are healthier than stay-at-homes. While it may seem incredibly stressful to the women who are accomplishing this feat, holding down a job and being a... continued
Mona Lisa Finally Speaks
June 5, 2006Over the years, there have been suggestions that the enigmatic portrait that is known as the Mona Lisa is actually a portrait of the artist, Leonardo DaVinci, painted as a woman, which is why the sitters identity has been lost... continued
Good News: Ozone Hole is Closing
June 3, 2006Finally, some good news about the environment: the ozone hole over the Antarctic is closing and may disappear by the year 2050 because of the reduction in emissions of ozone-depleting gases. What does ozone do for us, anyway? It protects... continued
Why Hurricane Season is Here to Stay
June 2, 2006Scientists at M.I.T. have clearly linked the increase in hurricane activity to global warming and global warming to "pollution released by humans." And what's the state of Katrina-ravaged New Orleans? It's still sinking. The Army Corps of Engineers has finally... continued
One War We Should Stop Fighting
June 2, 2006Even administration apologists pretty much admit the fact that our war on drugs is a failure, since we have more addicts than ever. Mexico's president Vincente Fox recently proposed decriminalizing drugs in his country, but quickly backpedaled when our government... continued
Time Travel–Real or a Dream?
June 2, 2006A description of either a remarkable dream or experience has been received by unknowncountry.com, and is published with the kind permission of its author. It could be that actual movement through time might feel something like this. Click here to... continued
Plastic Pollution Leads to Prostate Cancer
June 2, 2006A year ago we warned you that baby bottles are dangerous for boys. The trouble is, in the US, bottle feeding babies is big business. Now a new cancer study shows that early exposure to low doses of environmental estrogens?which... continued
Weather Changes
June 1, 2006Global warming is a sad fact: NOAA weather satellite data collected from 1979 through 2005 show that the earth's tropical zone has been steadily expanding since 1979. Researcher Thomas Reichler says, "It's a big deal. The tropics may be expanding... continued