Anne’s Diary: A Sad State of Affairs–EVEN MORE UPDATES

May 30, 2006
In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: "A friend once told me that 'marriage is a license to fart.' I'm not going to comment on that, having been married a very long time, but I do think that religion has... continued

NASA Hacker Says There’s a UFO Coverup–UPDATE

May 30, 2006
A computer hacker who spent years penetrating governmentcomputers (their security is abysmal) says that he saw proofthat NASA airbrushes UFOs out of satellite and shuttlephotographs to maintain a coverup. In an interview on the BBC program "Click," Gary McKinnon,who faces... continued

Popular Dreamland guests on Coast TONIGHT

May 29, 2006
Popular Dreamland host William Henry will be on Coast to Coast AM with popular Dreamland guest Laurence Gardner on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, from 10 pm to 2 am Pacific time. Don't miss what will surely be an extraordinary... continued

Sun Going to Sleep Soon

May 29, 2006
The next sunspot cycle begins in 2011 and is expected to beamong the most powerful in recent memory, but after that,the sun is going to sleep. Should it remain quiescent, thiscould mean that, by 2015, we'll be heading for anotherperiod... continued

Mysterious Skin Disease?or NOT?

May 27, 2006
In a recent newsletter, we reported on a mysterious skindisease that's being seen in various parts of the country,called Morgellons Disease. Now scientists say this may be not be a physical ailment, despite the suffering that it iscausing. Many dermatologists... continued

Indonesia Quake Catastrophe

May 27, 2006
UPDATE: A 6.2 quake struck Papua-New Guiinea Saturday night.The area it hit is sparsely populated and there arecurrently no reports of damage or injuries. The Indonesianquake, also 6.2 on the Richter Scale, struck at 5:53AM local time Friday in a... continued

UFOs in the News–UPDATE

May 26, 2006
UFOs are big news in Germany and South Africa. In Germany, digital photographs have been taken of a rectangular-shaped UFO. There has been a UFO wave in South Africa, where a frantic search has been launched for a crashed craft.... continued

The Roof of the World

May 26, 2006
The roof of the world is melting, turning large parts of China into a desert. The Chinese Academy of Sciences says the glaciers of the Tibetan plateau are melting so quickly that they are getting 50% smaller every 10 years.... continued

Chimps R Us

May 25, 2006
Humans and chimps share about 98% of their DNA, and now scientists have discovered monkeys that can talk to each other?in complete sentences. Genevi?ve Roberts reports in the Independent that using words to make sentences?and using the same word for... continued


May 25, 2006
Scientists like to investigate a lot of things that the rest of us take for granted. Like whispers?how do we hear them, anyway? Robert Roy Britt writes in that there's a tiny organ inside your ear call the cochlea,... continued