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Is Extinction in OUR Future?
May 19, 2006When we think of extinction events, we usually think about the asteroid that hit the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs. But it turns out the worst extinction since that happened 65 million years ago is going on right now?and... continued
Hobbit Update
May 19, 2006A couple of years ago, anthropologists reported finding the skulls of small, hobbit-sized inhabitants of an island in Indonesia. Now it turns out that may have been the victims of a genetic disease. Steve Connor writes in the Independent that... continued
The New Superpowers–UPDATE
May 19, 2006The US and Russia used to be considered the two superpowers. Then Europe formed a union and Russia broke apart, and now India and China are poised to be the superpowers of the future. The Worldwatch Institute says that the... continued
Watch Out: It’s Tornado Season
May 18, 2006Spring is tornado season in the US and we while tornadoes can occur almost anywhere in the world, we have more of them than anyplace else. There are about 1,200 tornadoes here every year. So far, in 2006, there have... continued
Speed of Light Varies
May 18, 2006In an incredible departure from Einstein's theories, scientists have found ways to make light go both faster and slower, and now researchers have found a way to make it go BACKWARDS?and when it does, it goes FASTER than usual. This... continued
Still Slaves in the World Today
May 18, 2006It may be hard to believe, but slavery still exists?and some of it is pretty close to home. A UN report reveals that almost every country in the world is involved with human trafficking. We?re familiar with headlines about Mexicans... continued
Anne’s Diary: Big Babies–UPDATE
May 18, 2006In her latest diary, Anne Strieber does something rare?she responds to a nasty attack. Anne comments, "I like to take the 'sticks and stones' approach to unfair criticism, but sometimes it gets just too ridiculous to ignore." Read her new... continued
Bird Fears (Continued)
May 17, 2006Scientists have now announced that migrating birds DO NOT spread avian flu, but the birds you buy in the supermarket DO spread the food poisoning known as salmonella, so wash your hands (and all surfaces) after handling them. Like beef... continued
Dentists, Muggers & Dancers?All Prehistoric
May 17, 2006Two of what we consider major modern miseries were also part of life for prehistoric man: being mugged and going to the dentist. With the same kinds of problems that we have, early man relaxed the same way we do... continued
Is There an Asteroid in Our Future?
May 16, 2006The answer is yes?but not for about a hundred years: on May 4, 2102 to be exact, when the asteroid known as 2004 VD17 is scheduled to come close to earth. By then, NASA may be able to fight it... continued