Grumpy is Good

May 22, 2006
It's GOOD to be grumpy! Maybe it's not good for your social life, but it's good for your health. Allan Hall reports in the Sydney Morning Herald that German researchers have discovered that people who smile a lot die a... continued

If We Could Only Run Our Cars on Coal…

May 22, 2006
Will there be a gas shortage in our future?or not? One thing we DO know is that here in the US, we have plenty of coal?but burning coal causes terrible pollution. And there's no way to use it to run... continued

Food Shortage in Our Future?

May 22, 2006
Will there be a world food shortage in the future? If we continue to rely on genetically-modified food (which drives out native varieties) and industrial farming, maybe there will. According to a new report, the world is now eating more... continued

The New Superpowers–UPDATE

May 19, 2006
The US and Russia used to be considered the two superpowers. Then Europe formed a union and Russia broke apart, and now India and China are poised to be the superpowers of the future. The Worldwatch Institute says that the... continued

A Cure for AIDS?

May 19, 2006
Will there ever be a cure for AIDS? A British man may be the first person to recover after testing positive for HIV. A year later, the virus seems to have completely left his body. 25-year-old patient Andrew Stimpson says,... continued

Is Extinction in OUR Future?

May 19, 2006
When we think of extinction events, we usually think about the asteroid that hit the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs. But it turns out the worst extinction since that happened 65 million years ago is going on right now?and... continued

Hobbit Update

May 19, 2006
A couple of years ago, anthropologists reported finding the skulls of small, hobbit-sized inhabitants of an island in Indonesia. Now it turns out that may have been the victims of a genetic disease. Steve Connor writes in the Independent that... continued

Watch Out: It’s Tornado Season

May 18, 2006
Spring is tornado season in the US and we while tornadoes can occur almost anywhere in the world, we have more of them than anyplace else. There are about 1,200 tornadoes here every year. So far, in 2006, there have... continued

Speed of Light Varies

May 18, 2006
In an incredible departure from Einstein's theories, scientists have found ways to make light go both faster and slower, and now researchers have found a way to make it go BACKWARDS?and when it does, it goes FASTER than usual. This... continued

Still Slaves in the World Today

May 18, 2006
It may be hard to believe, but slavery still exists?and some of it is pretty close to home. A UN report reveals that almost every country in the world is involved with human trafficking. We?re familiar with headlines about Mexicans... continued