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Dentists, Muggers & Dancers?All Prehistoric
May 17, 2006Two of what we consider major modern miseries were also part of life for prehistoric man: being mugged and going to the dentist. With the same kinds of problems that we have, early man relaxed the same way we do... continued
We’re Being Spied on From Space
May 16, 2006People all over the world are questioning whether or not the US should be in Iraq. Here in the US, we are questioning the extent to which the government is spying on ordinary citizens by monitoring our phone calls, library... continued
Another Strong Quake
May 16, 2006A 7.5 earthquake occurred off the coast of New Zealand at3:39 this morning. This is the third strong earthquakeworldwide in the past month. There was a magnitude 7.6 quake onthe Kamchatka peninsula in Siberia on April 20, then a 7.9quake... continued
Is There an Asteroid in Our Future?
May 16, 2006The answer is yes?but not for about a hundred years: on May 4, 2102 to be exact, when the asteroid known as 2004 VD17 is scheduled to come close to earth. By then, NASA may be able to fight it... continued
Ancient Evidence of Global Warming
May 15, 2006Palentologists have avoided connecting the great extinctions that brought the Pleistocene to an end 15,000 years ago to climate change by claiming that they were due to a few thousand hunter-gatherers killing millions of animals, all within a span of... continued
False Government UFO Report
May 15, 2006Despite evidence of extensive UFO coverups, the British Ministry of Defense has released a400 page document claiming that all UFOs can be explained as "natural" phenomena, such as asteroids, satellites and that old favorite, ball lightning. The 400 page report... continued
Another Stonehenge?in Brazil
May 15, 2006Several years ago on Dreamland we interviewed two researchers who had evidence that prehistoric man traveled long distances by sea. The famous Stoneghenge in England is between 4,000 and 5,000 years old, and Stonehenge-type calendars have been found in other... continued
Anne’s Diary: Iraq, Vietnam & Flight 93
May 15, 2006What, if anything, do these three things have in common? Anne Strieber says that the people involved are?or were?all heroes. Read her new Diary and find out just what she means?and why we're so honored that soldiers in Iraq are... continued
Indonesia Volcano Red Alert
May 13, 2006As local residents carried out age-old magical ritualsdesigned to quiet the volcano, the Indonesian governmentordered mass evacuations from thearea of Mt. Merapi today, as a major eruption now appears tobe imminent. The ten thousand foot mountain is in a denselypopulated... continued
Kecksburg UFO Witness Discovered
May 13, 2006On December 9, 1965, a strange object streaked overKecksburg, Pennsylvania and went down in nearby woods. Overthe course of the night, witnesses observed the object beingremoved, but no witness had ever come forward who saw thecrash itself. Now HbccUFO directorBrian... continued