Dolphins Know Their Own Names

May 8, 2006
Intelligent animals, like dogs and cats, recognize their names. A parrot will generally tell you his name if you ask him. But dolphins do even more?they give THEMSELVES names, then they send that name out through the depths of the... continued

Baseball Science

May 8, 2006
Catching a fly ball may look easy, but scientists know that it's anything but: it turns out it's the hardest hit to catch. Researcher Ken Fuld became curious about this when his son began playing professional baseball. He says, "An... continued

Are the Bosnia Pyramids a Hoax?

May 5, 2006
Are the recently discovered pyramids in Bosnia a hoax? Archeologists are speaking out against the discoveries by in the Bosnian town of Visoko by Russian businessman Semir Osmanagic. But he sticks by his discoveries. In, Heather Whipps quotes Anthony... continued

Wave of Gay Killings in Iraq

May 5, 2006
A 14-year-old-boy was killed for the crime of being a homosexual by the Iraqi police. Despite spending billions of dollars to set up a government and police force in Iraq, we clearly have not made much progress in changing the... continued

What’s New With Bird Flu?

May 5, 2006
Scientists are still divided about whether or not there is an avian flu pandemic in our future. Computer models predict a rapid spread akin to the 1918 pandemic that killed millions of people worldwide, but that's only IF the virus... continued

The Coming Solar Superstorm

May 4, 2006
Whitley and Art warned about a possible superstorm here on earth, caused by global warming. It turns out that a solar superstorm may be on the way as well. NOAA warns that a solar storm could affect our technology here... continued

Moon Madness

May 4, 2006
NASA and China are making ambitious plans to go to the moon?and now Russia, Japan and India are too. In fact, since NASA is not scheduled to return to the moon until 2018, India, China and Japan will probably get... continued

Why Moon Miners Will Need to Duck

May 4, 2006
One of the biggest problems that the countries planning moon trips are going to encounter?besides the need for water?is shielding their bases from asteroid impacts, since absorbing these blows is one of the major things the moon does to protect... continued

Women (and Men) Watch Out!

May 4, 2006
First congress passed a bill saying that pharmacists could refuse to fill prescriptions for things, like birth-control pills, that went against their religious convictions. Then they banned a vaccine that would prevent cervical cancer, since it might contribute to women... continued

Is Starfire Tor a Real Time Traveler?

May 4, 2006
This week's Dreamland guest, Starfire Tor, has amassed years of evidence that suggest that she may be a time traveler from the future. Modern physics says that time travel is by no means impossible. If the future has become able... continued