Is Starfire Tor a Real Time Traveler?

May 4, 2006
This week's Dreamland guest, Starfire Tor, has amassed years of evidence that suggest that she may be a time traveler from the future. Modern physics says that time travel is by no means impossible. If the future has become able... continued

The Coming Solar Superstorm

May 4, 2006
Whitley and Art warned about a possible superstorm here on earth, caused by global warming. It turns out that a solar superstorm may be on the way as well. NOAA warns that a solar storm could affect our technology here... continued

Moon Madness

May 4, 2006
NASA and China are making ambitious plans to go to the moon?and now Russia, Japan and India are too. In fact, since NASA is not scheduled to return to the moon until 2018, India, China and Japan will probably get... continued

Why Moon Miners Will Need to Duck

May 4, 2006
One of the biggest problems that the countries planning moon trips are going to encounter?besides the need for water?is shielding their bases from asteroid impacts, since absorbing these blows is one of the major things the moon does to protect... continued

Shuttle Safety Fix Overruled

May 3, 2006
NASA engineers who investigated the explosion of the space shuttle Columbia in 2003 are wondering why their safety recommendations have been overruled shortly before the shuttle Discovery is due to take off in July. Mike Schneider reports that chief NASA... continued

Booms and Shakes in Seattle

May 3, 2006
Mysterious shaking and booming noises are becoming common across the US and the world, as global warming heats up. Now there are booms in Seattle. As far as we know, we're the only ones who have connected this phenomenon to... continued

Tsunami Warning for Fiji & New Zealand After 7.8 Quake

May 3, 2006
A tsunami warning was issued for Fiji and NewZealand after an 7.8 quake struck the area. The quaketook place at a shallow depth in the Tonga region of theFiji Islands and is classified as a "great" earthquake.Reportsto Unknowncountry from Tonga... continued

More to Come

May 2, 2006
The earthquake of 1906 devastated San Franciso on April 18, and on its one-hundredth anniversary, the town has been remembering the devastation it caused. The Indonesian tsunami, caused by an earthquake deep beneath the ocean floor, arrived suddenly in December... continued

Mystery Shake

May 1, 2006
A mysterious, window-rattling shaking woke up San Diego residents on April 4. reported that the same thing happened in the same area in the past and we think we know the cause: global warming. An earthquake was quickly eliminated... continued

The Heat is On?What Can We Do About It?

May 1, 2006
While the US government hesitates to take action against global warming for fear it will hurt business, Canada, our neighbor to the north, is way ahead of us. There are important ways that an individual can help stop global warming.... continued