Exciting William Henry Conference

April 21, 2006
So many of you have enjoyed William Henry's interviews on Dreamland radio and have wanted to meet him in person. Now's your chance: He is presenting a new lecture and slide slow titled Activating the Temple of Light in Nashville... continued

Earthquakes, Volcanic Activity High

April 21, 2006
In the past week, there has been widespreadearthquakeactivity, including a powerful quake that struck anisolated part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, and threevolcanoes have become active at the same time. The Kamchatka quake, centered near the small community ofKoriakya, registered 7.7... continued

Science Studies God

April 20, 2006
Can science prove the existence of God? Dr. Gary Schwartz, the man who verified that mediums can really contact the dead, says he's done it. Anne Strieber recently wrote about her adventures with Dr. Schwartz and medium Glennys MacKay. She... continued

The Moon Problem

April 20, 2006
While the US lays ambitious plans to conquer the Middle East and win over the hearts and minds of the people there, Russia and China have set their sights on the moon, and for the same reason: a desperate search... continued

911?The Questions That Won’t Go Away

April 19, 2006
There is more and more evidence that the collapse of the Twin Towers on 9/11 was NOT due to an jet crashing into it?that it was a controlled demolition. Dreamland radio was one of the first to put forth this... continued

Walking Fish?Then & Now

April 17, 2006
A fossil of a fish with "legs," that anthropologists think represents the missing link in the evolution of sea creatures into land animals, has recently been discovered in Ethiopia. At the same time, biologists have learned that one type of... continued

Art Bell Remarries

April 16, 2006
Legendary Coast-to-Coast AM host Art Bell has remarried. Hisromance with Philippine national Airyn Ruiz began after hewas introduced to her via internet videoconferencing, by afriend in the ham radio hobby. They spent countless hours conferencing together. WhitleyStrieber says, "It became... continued

Mystery Booms are Back

April 16, 2006
Dramatic booming noises have been heard in at least twoAmerican cities in recent weeks, in San Diego on April 4 and Buffalo on April 12. Unusual cloud formations were photographed in San Diego in 2004. The clouds appeared very suddenly... continued

The Shape of Things to Come

April 14, 2006
Our genes determine how what shape we are, as well as how fat we get. Scientists can now take a DNA sample from you and tell?without even looking at your body?whether you're an hourglass or a pear-shape. Harvard's Ronald Kahn... continued

The Sun Saved Us?But Now It’s Our Turn

April 13, 2006
When it comes to global warming, the earth is being battered by a series of unfortunate blows. Besides the increase in greenhouse gases, which is leading to glacier melt and the dropping down of the Gulf Stream which warms Europe,... continued