Too Late for the Government to Save Us

March 29, 2006
Michael McCarthy writes in The Indpendent that a small group of UK government officials are trying to combat global warming by "turning established principles of economic life upside down." It is so important that this be done that "it will... continued

How Lincoln Assassination Ties in With Iraq

March 28, 2006
When actor John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln (who was the first US president to be assassinated), this was not an independent action?it was part of an elaborate conspiracy to take down the entire government, one that reverberates with the... continued

A Tragedy?or a Conspiracy?

March 28, 2006
In the last edition of our free newsletter, Whitley wrote: "A group comprising an astonishing 50 college professors from around the US has issued a statement saying that "we believe that senior government officials have covered up crucial facts... continued

The Reason We Went to War (Continued)

March 27, 2006
We recently reported on accusations that 911 was a conspiracy. Some people think the real reason we invaded Iraq was not 911, but oil. Now Greg Palast writes in The Guardian that the Iraq war IS all about oil, but... continued

Fake Terrorist Attack on the Way?

March 27, 2006
Investigative reporter Ken Welch reports on his website that a fake terrorist attack is about to take place in order to justify the continuation of the war in Iraq and the Patriot Act. While he relies partly on the dubious... continued

Anne’s Diary: The Gift of Time

March 25, 2006
In her new Diary, Anne writes: "At my first birthday celebration after I got out of the hospital, my new daughter-in-law brought me a Splenda cheesecake, since I was still on a strict diet. We put some candles on it... continued

Will Bird Flu Arrive Here? (Part II)

March 24, 2006
Bird flu is a killer when it infects human beings, but so far it has not mutated into a virus that people can catch from each other. Now scientists are learning why. Scientists are learning why the avian flu virus... continued

The 911 Conspiracy

March 24, 2006
Was 911 a conspiracy? This is the question that won't go away. In his latest Journal, Whitley Strieber asks, "Was 911 a Hoax?" Now activist actor Charlie Sheen is asking the same thing. In a recent interview, Sheen said that... continued

Monkey Business

March 23, 2006
Humans and chimpanzees are almost identical genetically, andwe often act alike as well. We recently wrote aboutants that aresuper-efficient farmers. Now it turns out there are primatepolice. Monkeys also like to scratch each other?s backs ANDmonkeys are willing to pay... continued

UPDATE: Brain Parasites?You May Have Them

March 22, 2006
Half the people in the world have brains that are infected with Toxoplasma parasites. The eggs of this parasite live in the guts of cats until the parasites hatch and make their way up to the cat's brain. Are they... continued