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US Weather Mayhem: Storms, Fires Kill 17
March 13, 2006Ten people were killed as tornadoes swarmed across themidwest, while wildfires racing across the Texas panhandlekilled seven. The same weather system that drove the winds that spread the fires in Texas generated the tornados farther north. Springfield, Illinois was especially... continued
What’s Next for the Segway Man?
March 13, 2006Dean Kamen, the engineer who invented the Segway, started out by inventing a wheelchair that can climb stairs. Many people felt that after this, the Segway was an anti-climax, and they haven't done well on the market. But Kamen's new... continued
Quake Swarm Alert?Again
March 12, 2006A swarm of 31 earthquakes in the Andaman sea has caused the Thai National Disaster Warning Center to put the Andaman Islands on earthquake alert. The center is concerned that the earthquake swarm could indicate an impending underwater volcanic eruption... continued
Why a Cancer Prevention Cannot be Used
March 11, 2006Scientists are desperately searching for cures for cancer. Despite some breakthroughs, they are making a lot less progress than they'd hoped. Cervical cancer is a diseasewith few symptoms. If there was a vaccine that could prevent cervical cancer in women,... continued
More Signs of Global Warming
March 10, 2006In this week's Unknowncountry.com newsletter, Whitley Strieber warns that extremely violent and unusual weather was on the way over the next few months. Within hours, a ferocious storm dumped hailstones the size of baseballs on Oklahoma. CNN reports that storms... continued
A Traveler at the Edge of Death
March 10, 2006This letter is one of many that appear inthe CommunionLetters. It illustrates the profound connection betweendeath and the close encounter experience that is discussedin Anne's Diary. I was born in Texas in 1945. I've had OBEs since I was asmall... continued
A Message From John Mack–UPDATE
March 10, 2006So many of you wrote about my recent Diary, telling about the Australian medium Glennys MacKay contacting the late UFO researcher John Mack, that I felt it was unfair not to report on John's message right away. UPDATE: My last... continued
Anne’s Diary: Seize the Day
March 9, 2006In her new diary, Anne writes: "Glennys MacKay, an incredible medium from Australia, contacted us suddenly by email a few weeks ago, saying she had been 'called' to come to the United States." What follows is an incredible adventure. If... continued
It Could Happen Again
March 9, 2006Pompeii was the Roman resort town that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption in 79 AD, which happened so suddenly that people were frozen in their tracks, turned into statues of ash. Now a previously unknown Pompeii-type site has been... continued
More Sunspots to Come
March 8, 2006A stunning new scientific report predicts that the next sunspot cycle will be massively more powerful than the one just past, which was among the most powerful on record. This is going to cause intense climate disruptions on earth, including... continued