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Antarctica Melt Will Lead to Sea Level Rise
March 7, 2006Just a few years ago, it was theorized that Antarcticcontinental ice might begin to melt significantly by the endof this century. It has just been discovered that massive,unexpected melt is taking place right now. Satellitemeasurements show that the Antarctic is... continued
Why Monsters are Rare
March 6, 2006We recently put up a series of stories on the science behind the remake of the film King Kong. It turns out that there is a limit to how large?and thus how dangerous?mammals can become. Seth Shostak writes in space.com... continued
Will You Die in a Car Crash?
March 3, 2006Whether or not you will die in a car crash may depend on whether or not you are too fat or too thin?but only if you're a man. Researchers have found that being obese increases male drivers' risk of dying... continued
Water Wars
March 2, 2006In the future we may fight a war in space over who controls the moon and access to its valuable Helium 3 fuel, but here on Earth we will probably be fighting over who owns not oil, but water. Global... continued
How to be Happy
February 28, 2006Robin Lloyd writes in LiveScience that scientists can tell us how to lead a happy life, but most people don't pay attention and insist on being miserable instead. Polls do show that Americans are no happier today than they were... continued
It’s Over, Isn’t It?
February 28, 2006In her latest diary, Anne Strieber writes that in light of the new scientific information about male gayness, gay prejudice has to end. She says, "Everyone may not be able to attain happiness in this life, but everyone deserves it?or... continued
The Ultimate Blonde Joke
February 28, 2006We've already written about how redheads may be related to Neanderthals. No it turns out that European women evolved blonde hair and blue eyes at the end of the Ice Age in order to attract men. In those days, the... continued
The Gay Gene (Continued)
February 27, 2006We've written before on these pages about how biologists arebecoming convincedfrom their animal studies, that homosexuality is programmed into a person (especially a male) and is not a "choice." Female homosexuality may be due to hormones, but scientists aren't sure... continued
Some Artworks May Have Been Created by Disease
February 24, 2006We can be thankful that modern medicine exists today, but if it had existed during the 16th to 19th centuries, the world might have missed out on the work of some of the world's most creative painters, sculptors and poets.... continued
Ancient Sounds Indeed–We Get Hoaxed!
February 24, 2006We could not resist the idea that ancient sounds had been recovered from pottery grooves. The idea was so fascinating that we didn't stop to read the website involved carefully enough. It's actually a brilliant hoax posted last April 1.... continued