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Have Sex Before Speaking
February 3, 2006Here's a tip that George Bush and other politicians could use: have sex before speaking in public. However, it has to be the "real" kind of sex, not the kind that Bill Clinton indulged in. One reason for this is... continued
Incredible Journal About 911
February 2, 2006Whitley's new journal about 911 is a BLOCKBUSTER. In it, he states, "It looks very much like the United States of America is well on its way to becoming a dictatorship. By that I mean that its established institutions will... continued
Moon Race
February 2, 2006The moon is a treasure trove of helium 3, a vital fuel for the future that is extremely rare on Earth. Both Russia and China are planning moon missions. Now NASA may be racing to get back there first. In... continued
State of the Union?Is Bush Telling the Truth?
January 31, 2006President Bush gives his annual State of the Union address on Januarary 31st. US voters will be watching Bush closely on television. We recently posted a story about scientific ways to spot spin among politicians. Now we have more scientific... continued
No Fail Lie Detector
January 31, 2006Politicians lie all the time. We know our stomachs cannot tell a lie. Some people are natural born liars. New studies have shown that we cannot rely on polygraphs to weed out the liars among us, which is why they... continued
World War III May Be Fought on the Moon
January 30, 2006We've written before that both the US and China have plans to go to the moon--not for exploration, as the US claims, but to mine the incredibly valuable fuel Helium 3 that's found there. The US won't admit that our... continued
Nuke Waste Problem Won’t Go Away
January 27, 2006We've written that China, in desperate need of energy, is developing new fusion reactors despite the fact that many US scientists say that fusion doesn't work. Now UK scientists are saying that, before any new nuclear power plants are built,... continued
Another Earth?
January 26, 2006Astronomers have discovered what they call an "Earth-likeplanet" orbiting a distant star. They feel they are finallygetting close to a possible discovery of alien life. Theyare searching for another relatively small, rocky planetwhere temperatures are neither too hot or too... continued
BLIZZARD in Hawaii
January 25, 2006A vast arctic cold front has driven temperatures to record lows from Norway to Siberia and Japan, and has now brought snow to the slopes of Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii. Tourists from California who were climbing the volcano were... continued
Scientific Spin Detector
January 24, 2006We've written before about how mathematics can bring us amazing revelations. Now a mathematician in Canada says that he can use math to tell when a politician is lying. With our own election coming up in 2008, this is something... continued