Stardust Success

January 24, 2006
William Henry interviewed Donald Brownlee on Dreamland on January 13 about Project Stardust(If you're a subscriber you can still listen to this incredible interview). The Stardust capsule has returned to Earth after a seven year trip through space, and NASA... continued

Oil Shortage Looms in China

January 24, 2006
China is booming economically right now, but Chinese officials say that the country has only a few years left before oil prices will make its present economy unworkable. Chinese sources project a doubling of oil prices within five years, no... continued

Important Environmental Message

January 24, 2006
James Lovelock, created the Gaia hypothesis, named after the Greek goddess Gaia, which states that that the living matter of the Earth functions like a single organism. The Independent has published an interview with Lovelock in which he states that... continued

Oil May Not Be a Fossil Fuel

January 23, 2006
Is there an oil shortage?or isn't there? We recently put up a report by an economist who says that the world is NOT running out of oil. Now NASA says that there is plenty of methane on Saturn?s moon Titan... continued

Dreamland Intermittent Outages

January 21, 2006
Dreamland is experiencing intermittent outages. If youattempt to access the stream and get a "ready" notice inyour Windows Media Player, please try again. Once the streamstarts, it will continue normally. We are working to resolvethis issue. The stream is not... continued

Canopus Reveals Itself

January 21, 2006
The southern pole star, Canopus, is rarely visible in thenorthern hemisphere, but it can be seen tonight south of theapproximate latitude of Los Angeles or Birmingham. It willbe the second brightest star after Sirius. By a seeming coincidence, this week's... continued

Geniuses Just Like to Have Fun

January 20, 2006
On this website, we've tried to describe what it feels like to be a genius. But geniuses such as Einstein and Richard Feynman also liked to have fun, just like the rest of us. Many of Benjamin Franklin's best inventions... continued

Cannibalism, Then & NOW

January 19, 2006
A couple of years ago, we reported on the bizarre story of a German cannibal who ate a willing victim he met on the internet, in a bizarre sadomasochistic act. Cannibalism is actually not as uncommon as you might think,... continued

Oil Wars Unnecessary?We Have Plenty of Oil

January 18, 2006
An economist says that U.S. policy in the Middle East is driven by baseless fears that an "oil weapon" can cut off our fuel supply. Roger J. Stern argues that the decades-old belief that petroleum-rich Persian Gulf nations must be... continued

Films Take a Screen Test

January 17, 2006
Two computer scientists say they have developed a system for predicting the box office success of movies before they hit the theatres that could revolutionize the industry, but Hollywood has responded with a yawn, despite the fact that ticket sales... continued