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A Visit to Art
January 15, 2006Anne and Whitley just made a trip to visit Art Bell, to bring him all the comfort they could, as he faces the future alone, after the death of his beloved wife Ramona. As so often happens, Anne got a... continued
Global Warming in the Past AND the Future
January 13, 2006New research shows how global warming caused by greenhouse gases can quickly disrupt ocean currents and lead to rapid climate change, as Whitley and Art Bell wrote about in their book The Coming Global Superstorm. In recent decades, frogs have... continued
Whitley’s Journal: A Meditation on Art & Death
January 12, 2006In his new journal Whitley writes: "I went through [what Art Bell is going through] in some small way in the days after Anne fell ill a year ago October. I will never, ever forget how supportive he and Ramona... continued
Mysterious Dark Matter
January 12, 2006We recently wrote a news story about scientific puzzles that can't seem to get solved but just won't go away. One of these mysteries is dark matter, which can't exist?but does. Astronomers think that dark matter is the "glue" that... continued
Ramona Bell Laid to Rest
January 11, 2006Art Bell's beloved wife Ramona was laid to rest today in aprivate service near the Bell's home. Mrs. Bell died onThursday, January 5. The cause of death was circulatoryfailure resulting from an asthma attack. She was 47. For the very... continued
Whale Talk & Ant Farms
January 10, 2006Whales of the same species sing in different dialects, depending on where they're from, the same way humans who speak the same language have different accents that identify where they live. Ants are even more amazing: They not only farm... continued
Iran Breaks Seals on Nuclear Facilities
January 10, 2006The Iranian government announced that it had broken theseals placed on a group of highly controversial nuclearfacilities and resumed research that could lead to thecreation of a nuclear weapon. EU and US officials condemnedthe action in the strongest terms. The... continued
Hitler Had Nukes
January 10, 2006In the midst of concern about Iran developing nuclear weapons, it's interesting to note that the Nazis may have been on the point of detonating an atomic bomb when World War II ended. A new book published in Italy tells... continued
Coyotes Thriving in Big Cities
January 9, 2006Scientists used to think that coyotes avoided human populations, but they now know that they are common in suburbia and even in cities as big as Manhattan, where a coyote was recently found to be living in Central Park. Also... continued
John Hogue’s Predictions for 2006
January 6, 2006John Hogue,who presents his prophecies this week onDreamland(and also has a fascinating conversation forsubscribers withWilliamHenry), recently sent out a newsletter talking about hispredictions for 2006. John writes that, "A clear sense ofthe spirit defining a decade often manifests in its... continued