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I Met An Angel in Kinkos
January 6, 2006Just after Ramona Bell's tragic and untimely death, Anne Strieber met an angel in a Kinkos copy shop. Don't miss this new diary entry from Anne. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links... continued
These Puzzles May Finally be Solved in 2006
January 5, 2006The March 19 issue of New Scientist Magazine reports on mysteries that continue to baffle scientists. These include cosmic rays, dark matter and the placebo effect. Will researchers find the solutions to these puzzles in 2006? The placebo effect means... continued
Do Home Remedies Work?
January 4, 2006Who uses home remedies?and do they work as well as something you can get from your doctor or the drugstore? While use of home remedies is common among people 65 and older, Blacks and Native Americans tend to make much... continued
More Birds Affected by Pole Shift
January 3, 2006We recently reported that the Earth's magnetic field is moving fast, meaning that magnetic North and South will soon switch places in a pole shift. Geologists know that this has happened before, and when it does, it confuses birds because... continued
The Dad Difference
January 2, 2006Newswise - Do dads parent differently than moms? It's a question more and more single mothers are asking themselves. The answer is "yes," but it's not the way you think: Dads aren't necessarily stricter disciplinarians. Fathers tend to be more... continued
Hangover Cures
December 31, 2005The British Medical Journal reports that hangover curesdon't work. The scientists conducting the study say, "Ourfindings show no compelling evidence to suggest that anycomplementary or conventional intervention is effective fortreating or preventing the alcohol hangover." However, thereARE some steps you... continued
New Years Resolutions
December 31, 2005If you've failed at keeping your New Year's resolutions inthe past, scientists say this may be because you've chosenthe wrong ones or don't admit to yourself that you may fail(which, surprisingly, will help to you succeed). One common mistake is... continued
This Week on Dreamland: How Did John Hogue Do in 2004 and 2005?
December 30, 2005For the last two years, famed prophet and Nostradamus Scholar John Hogue has prophesied for Dreamland listeners and subscribers. So how did he do? This week, we're going to repeat John's 2004 and 2005 prophecy specials, and next week, John... continued
What Pocahontas Was REALLY Like
December 29, 2005The new Terence Malik film "The New World" has recently opened. In it, Pocahontas, the Powhatan princess who befriended English captain John Smith and the colonists of the Jamestown, Virginia settlement in the early 1600s, is a lover of Smith.... continued
Major Permafrost Thaw
December 28, 2005Global warming may melt the top ten feet of permafrost, the frozen soil that stretches across the Northern Hemisphere, from Alaska to Canada to Russia. Fairbanks, one of the largest cities in Alaska, is actually built on permafrost, so this... continued