What Pocahontas Was REALLY Like

December 29, 2005
The new Terence Malik film "The New World" has recently opened. In it, Pocahontas, the Powhatan princess who befriended English captain John Smith and the colonists of the Jamestown, Virginia settlement in the early 1600s, is a lover of Smith.... continued

Major Permafrost Thaw

December 28, 2005
Global warming may melt the top ten feet of permafrost, the frozen soil that stretches across the Northern Hemisphere, from Alaska to Canada to Russia. Fairbanks, one of the largest cities in Alaska, is actually built on permafrost, so this... continued

At Last: The TRUTH About Crop Circles?

December 28, 2005
We've recently reported that a top Canadian military official has revealed the truth about UFOs. Now Colin Andrews, one of the original crop circle investigators, who has both testified that crop circles were caused by unknown means and claimedthat most... continued

How to Drink

December 27, 2005
It turns out that the shape of the glass you're using has alot to do with how much alcohol you'll pour into it for a"normal" drink and thus with how much alcohol you'll bedrinking. According to a study printed in... continued

Child Abuse?Good News

December 26, 2005
Newswise - Psychologists know about the transmission of abuse from one family to another, meaning that if you were abused, you are more likely to abuse your own children. This makes some potential parents worry that they may have a... continued

Ancient City in the Middle of War

December 26, 2005
We are fighting the war in Iraq in the area where some the world's earliest civilizations began. Now archeologists have discovered the remains of a sophisticated city on the border between Syria and Iraq that is over 5,000 years old,... continued

Communion 20 Years On

December 26, 2005
What is Whitley's life like, 20 years after his initial visitor experience? What has he learned? Has mankind learned anything about what these strange visitors are trying to tell us? Read Whitley's new journal and learn what he thinks about... continued

Gamble the SCIENTIFIC Way

December 26, 2005
Lots of people visit Las Vegas during the holidays. If you must gamble, do it the SCIENTIFIC way. But is it possible to do this? According to psychologists, the more people gamble, the more likely they are to mistakenly believe... continued

A Special Message from Anne

December 24, 2005
Besides having a wonderful conversation with William Henry about the REAL meaning of Christmas for subscribers, Anne Strieber has a special holiday message for everyone. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued

Are You a Grinch?

December 23, 2005
According to psychologists, holiday Grinches who excludethemselves from parties or gift exchanges may be doing so inself-defense, pre-empting the possibility that family andfriends will ignore or disappoint them. And a group of New Zealand Santas recently displayed the ultimate in... continued