Why You Like Potato Chips

December 23, 2005
When snacks are laid out, do you find yourself reaching for the salted nuts and potato chips? A new scientific study explains why some people like salt more than others. It may be related to how much you weighed when... continued

Christmas Batteries

December 23, 2005
So many Christmas presents and toys use batteries, that many of us include them with the gift. Running out of the right batteries is a classic Christmas Day emergency. But new advances in thin-film lithium battery technology may soon make... continued

Christmas Questions

December 22, 2005
One hundred first-grade students recently got to ask a group of physicians some persistent Christmas questions, such as "How do reindeer fly?" It turns out there were legitimate scientific answers to all (or at least most) of them. Physicians David... continued

Christmas Kissing Weed

December 22, 2005
Hanging mistletoe in a doorway in order to get kissed is a classic Christmas tradition. To the ancient Celts and Vikings, mistletoe was a sacred healing plant believed to bestow fertility, bring good luck and avert evil. But there's a... continued

Important UFO Figure Dies

December 20, 2005
Walter Haut, the Air Force press officer who originallyreleased a statement from the Roswell Army Air Field statingthat the army had captured a flying disk, has died. Haut was83. In 1989, he met with Whitley Strieber in Roswell, tookMr. Strieber... continued

Volcano About to Blow in Alaska

December 19, 2005
We've written about how Alaska is the canary in the coal mine, since it's the place where the effects of global warming are showing up first. Now there is a new disaster in that beautiful state: a huge volcano is... continued

King Kong Authentic Part II

December 19, 2005
We recently wrote about the remake of the movie King Kong is historically accurate. Now a science historian says that the original film was inspired by an actual scientific expedition. Science historian Gregg Mitman says, "Elements of the 1933 Kong... continued

Earth’s Magnetic Field Moving Fast

December 16, 2005
Are we in the midst of a pole shift? Scientists are divided about this, but earth's magnetic field has begun shifting much more rapidly than expected. Earth's magnetic pole flips approximately every 500,000 years, and it has not shifted for... continued

Huge Geysers in Oklahoma

December 16, 2005
We've all heard about oil geysers, spurting up suddenly out of the ground, but nine-foot-high geysers spewing natural gas have suddenly sprung up in Oklahoma, and geologists aren't sure why. Tony Thornton writes in The Oklahoman that, according to a... continued

A Dreamland Show About?What?

December 16, 2005
What in the world is this week's Dreamland show all about? It's about what happens when you bring one of the world's leading mythologists, William Henry together with conspiracy expert Jim Marrs and they discuss why Saddam Hussein was spending... continued