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Dolphin Therapy Cures Depression
November 30, 2005It has sometimes been dismissed as a New Age cure, and animal rights people sometimes complain that it's not good for the dolphins, but it turns out that swimming with dolphins really does fight depression better than drugs and lasts... continued
Why are Modern Buildings So Ugly?
November 30, 2005Prince Charles once described a modern building in London as resembling a gigantic toaster. Many people say they do not like modern architecture, and one reason for this may be that often form doesn't follow function. When you look at... continued
How the World Will End
November 29, 2005In the Guardian, reporter Kate Ravilious asked 10 scientists to name the biggest danger to human life on Earth. Some of them say we'll go out with a bang, others say Earth will have a slow lingering end. Still other... continued
Absence Kindles Love
November 29, 2005Newswise - Leaving your significant other behind while you attend college or serve in the militatry can actually kindle a closer love affair. Contrary to popular belief, long-distance relationships tend to last as long?and sometimes longer?as relationships in which partners... continued
Will Mexican Migration Ever be Legal?
November 28, 2005Newswise - The government is using illegal Mexican immigrants to clean up damage from Katrina. Meanwhile, President Bush wants to create a "guest worker" program, somewhat like the "brasero" program of the 1940s and 50s. Economist Paul Hancock says the... continued
2 Major Quakes in 2 Days
November 28, 2005Over the past two days, major earthqakes have struck inChina and Iran. The Chinese quake, which measured 5.5 on the Richter Scale, struck at 8:49 Saturday morning along theHubei-Jiangxi provincial border, a short distance from thecity of Jiujiang. It killed... continued
Canada Defense Minister in UFO Shocker
November 28, 2005Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer stated flatlyin a speech in Toronto on September 25 that UFOs are not only real but that "current and past US activities risk"intergalactic war." Hellyer, Canada's Defense Minister from 1963-67, said, "UFOs, are as... continued
What I Learned From the Fat Years–Final Chapter
November 26, 2005Attention all dieters: You can now read the LAST chapter of Anne Strieber's diet book What I Learned From the Fat Years. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued
Does Keeping Warm Ward Off Colds?
November 22, 2005Now that the cold and flu season is here we're not only worried about bird flu, most of us are concerned about catching the ordinary, everyday cold. The idea that failure to bundle up against the elements can lead to... continued
That First Thanksgiving Dinner
November 22, 2005Newswise - Today we mostly remember the forced removal of Native Americans from their traditional lands to reservations, but what we don't know is that they were very sharp when it came to the manipulation of 17th-century English power structures... continued