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Some Sins Should be Avoided
November 21, 2005Newswise - Most of us plan to overeat during the Thanksgiving holidays.If you're worried about gaining weight, be sure to read AnneStrieber's diet book.Meanwhile, researchers have discovered that a protein foundin the brain is genetically linked to both alcoholism andanxiety.... continued
Hamsters Get SAD Too
November 21, 2005Newswise - SAD, seasonal affective disorder, is depression that somepeople feel as the days get shorter and darker. A new studysuggests that hamsters may suffer from symptoms of anxietyand depression during the dark days of winter, just as somehumans do.... continued
Early Christian Chapel Now a Prison
November 21, 2005The place where St John the Divine, in Revelation 16:16,prophesied the "war to end all wars" is now thehigh-security prison of Megiddo, where the Israelis send thehardest Palestinian cases. Could this fortress be the siteof an incredible war in the... continued
Free preview of Anne Strieber’s Novel Little Town Lies
November 20, 2005You can listen to Anne Strieber read Chapters 1 and 2 of her new novel Little Town Lies, which is in bookstores now. Click "Listen Now" on our masthead, then scroll to the last item on the list, called Little... continued
Chemical Weapons in Iraq
November 20, 2005We've learned more about our use of chemical weapons in Iraq. Besides white phosphorus, we may have used napalm. While we are certainly justified in using all weapons against an enemy that it attacking us, we are supposed to be... continued
Mold Threat in New Orleans
November 20, 2005Spores of airborne mold have become a hazard in New Orleans, where the clean up is still going on. Andrew Buncombe writes in the Independent that the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has accused the Federal government of failing to... continued
The Ultimate Diet
November 20, 2005In Chapter 8 of What I Learned From the Fat Years, Anne Strieber writes: "After years of desperate dieting, I made a final pact with my body: I would go on one last diet. This had to be a diet... continued
Prevent Bird Flu: Change Chicken Farming
November 20, 2005Bird flu started in the huge bird markets in Asia, where chickens and ducks are sold. Poultry farms in the US are safer because of they way these businesses are run in the US: one company controls an entire farm?from... continued
A Luminous Week on Dreamland
November 18, 2005William Henry has just published a major new book, The Illuminator and Whitley Strieber thinks that the information it contains is so important that it will be covered in two editions of Dreamland, both presented without commercial breaks. For subscribers,... continued
UFO Document Revealed
November 18, 2005A document that has tantalized UFO investigators for over 30 years was released today. The document was produced for the judge during a 1980 trial initiated by Citizens Against UFO Secrecy to attempt to gain the release of secret UFO... continued