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WTC Towers Collapsed by Explosives
November 16, 2005On 9/11 we saw two planes crash into the World Trade Center on TV. A couple of hours later, both towers collapsed. Steven E. Jones, a physics professor at Brigham Young University, thinks the hijackers may not have brought the... continued
Hands-Free Phones Increase Car Crashes
November 16, 2005Newswise - People who use a cell phone when driving are four times more likely to have a serious crash and hands-free phones don't help. A study was done in Australia of over 400 drivers who used cell phones and... continued
Illegal Mexicans Clean Up Katrina
November 15, 2005Halliburton is the company associated with Vice-President Dick Cheney that has profited highly in Iraq. An UN audit has recommended the U.S. repay $208 million to Iraq for work done by a Halliburton subsidiary. Now it?s been discovered that Halliburton... continued
Tamiflu Suicides
November 15, 2005So far the only weapon we have against bird flu is Tamiflu which is being stockpiled by governments all over the world, despite the fact that the avian flu virus may have mutated so that the drug will no longer... continued
Thrills or Kills?
November 14, 2005The gladiators who put on shows in the coliseums of ancient Rome fought to the death before crowds of adoring fans. Most of them were prisoners or slaves, but some did it for pay and others did it because they... continued
Do French Fries Affect Breast Cancer?
November 14, 2005A new study suggests that women who regularly ate French fries as young children have a significantly higher risk of breast cancer. Researcher Karin Michels says, "This study provides additional evidence that breast cancer may originate during the early phases... continued
Southern Plants Travel North
November 14, 2005Newswise - Palm trees in Pennsylvania? Magnolias in Minnesota? The migration of subtropical plants to northern climates may happen if future global warming patterns follow the shift that took place in the past. According to an article in the journal... continued
The History of Fatness
November 13, 2005In Chapter 7 of her book What I Learned From the Fat Years, Anne Strieber continues her discussion of clothes. She writes, "New customers entering women's departments for the first time should know how we pioneering fat ladies had to... continued
Finally: A Real Cure for Baldness
November 13, 2005Rogain was supposed to be the solution, but if that were true, why do we still so many bald men? But scientists say they really are on the verge of discovering a definitive cure for baldness, after growing hair on... continued
Airplane Air is Bad for You
November 13, 2005Newswise - As many of us get ready to take planes during the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, during the season of colds and flu, we become concerned about the spread of infectious diseases in-flight. It's an increasingly familiar experience to be... continued