Bio Clocks Keep Ticking

November 13, 2005
Newswise - When we travel, our biological clocks are thrown out of synch. Constant light also disrupts our internal clocks, resulting in problems like jet lag and health problems in extended-shift workers. A new study shows that even though we... continued

Movies Lead to Bad Behavior

November 11, 2005
Newswise - Children two to six years old are four times as likely to try to smoke later on if they have watched movies and DVDs in which the actors smoked. They are five times as likely to try drinking... continued

Portion Size Makes Us Fat

November 11, 2005
Newswise - At, we know what it's like to get fat, but we're here to HELP you, by posting a new chapter of Anne Strieber's diet book on this website every Monday. What makes people overeat? Researchers discovered that... continued

This Week’s Dreamland: How to Contact the Dead

November 11, 2005
Alan Botkin has discovered a miraculous therapy for grief and loss, and he explains it all to us on this week's Dreamland. A clinical psychologist, Botkin discovered the therapy while helping war veterans with post traumatic stress disorder. Learn about... continued

How to Help Victims of Pakistan Quake

November 11, 2005
As the death toll from the Pakistan earthquake passes the 80,000 mark, the weather in the region is turning cold. Many thousands more are going to die this winter, and so far only $135 million of the $550 million in... continued

Iraq Thefts?Were Valuables Ever Recovered?

November 10, 2005
When we invaded Iraq on March 20, 2003, there were news reports about the looting of over ten thousand valuable artefacts from the National Museum, and it was rumored that looters even had lists of things to steal, given to... continued

How Australia Prevented Terror Attack

November 10, 2005
LA recently foiled terrorists by reading their emails. Now Australia reports that they have also been able to arrest a group of terrorists before they could act. Kathy Marks reports in the Independent that hundreds of Australian police have staged... continued

Why Do We Need to Sleep?

November 10, 2005
Newswise - One of the biggest complaints that doctors hear is insomnia. A recent poll by the National Science Foundation found that only 50% of Americans get a good night's sleep a few nights each week. Why do we need... continued

Pollution Drives People to Suicide

November 9, 2005
Newswise - A psychiatrist's study of the suicide rate in a North Carolina county has revealed that it may be linked to releases of hydrogen sulfide and other airborne chemicals from a nearby paper mill and other industrial sites. This... continued

The Real Truth About China

November 9, 2005
China has become a big capitalistic success and is one of our largest trading partners, supplying all the vast discount outlets in the US, such as Wal-Mart, with most of their goods. But there are more important things in life... continued