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Many More Dimensions Than We See
November 7, 2005Newswise - Quantum physics tells us that the world is much different than we have been taught in school or perceive it to be. We are aware of 3 spatial dimensions. But physicists say there are at least nine spatial... continued
Fireball Sightings on the Rise Worldwide
November 7, 2005Fireballs and strange lights in the sky have been sighted from California to Pennsylvania to Maine?and also in Canada, Germany and the Netherlands. Can some of these be comets, meteors or asteroids?and what's the difference between them? Asteroids and meteors... continued
Secret US Prison Camps
November 4, 2005No matter how we feel about the torture of prisons and whether or not it is sometimes necessary, most of us were shocked by the photos from the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Many of us are worried about what... continued
Is Wal-Mart Evil?
November 4, 2005Wal-Mart is wonderful?it brings us cheap consumer goods and plenty of them. While the store chain has meant the death of many mom-and-pop stores in the last few years, this is the way capitalism works?or is it? Some critics think... continued
Stomach Polygraph
November 4, 2005Newswise - Recent studies have suggested that we have a "second brain" in our intestines, which means that our guts get all twisted up when we're under stress, because they "worry," just like our brains do. Patients with Irritable Bowel... continued
Organic Food Standards Weakened
November 3, 2005Congress has amended the Organic Food Production act to allow food additives and processing aids such as chemical stabilizers in organic foods, without public review. It has also granted organic food producers the right to continue antibiotic treatment and genetically... continued
A Good Reason to Hate Other People?
November 3, 2005Newswise - While we all want to overcome racial prejudice, we should be aware that it's actually instinctual which is why it never completely goes away. It's a form of DNA common sense, hard-wired into the human brain through evolution,... continued
Anne’s New Diary: You Must Live Out of Love
November 3, 2005In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: "On the anniversary of my burst aneurysm in October of 2004, many people have asked me what I've learned. I?ve written about this extensively in many of my earlier diaries, but I thought... continued
Black Hole Mystery
November 3, 2005A super-massive black hole has been discovered at the center of our galaxy. Black holes absorb everything that comes near them, even light. They are the most massive objects in the universe, and the most destructive. Steve Connor writes in... continued
Human Hands Emit Light
November 2, 2005Human hands glow in the dark, and our fingernails produce the most light. In fact, most living things release light. If our eyes were sensitive enough, we would be able to see other people glowing in the dark. If we... continued