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Why Rubbernecking is Dangerous
November 1, 2005Newswise - If you slow down to peer at an auto accident, you may be unable to avoid having an accident yourself for a few seconds afterwards, since you momentarily become deaf and blind. The same thing happens when you... continued
How to Save the Climate
November 1, 2005Our government has only recently acknowledged that global warming is a real threat, but the UK is much more worried than we are, because a change in the flow of the gulf stream, due to melting glaciers which dilute the... continued
DNA Detective Work
October 31, 2005Despite the fact that a jury wouldn't convict O.J. Simpson the first time around, we all know from watching CSI that DNA evidence doesn't lie. But sometimes it does? Peter Aldhous writes in New Scientist that recently in a case... continued
Smokers: Eat Your Cabbage!
October 31, 2005We've recently posted articles about how smoking makes you fat (contrary to popular belief). No one should smoke (and that means YOU), but if you do, start eating cruciferous vegetables: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, turnips, collards, Brussels sprouts, radish, turnip... continued
New Chapter of Anne’s Diet Book
October 31, 2005Anne Strieber has just posted Chapter 5 of her diet book, titled "What I Learned From the Fat Years." Her new chapter is about the parts of our body that we all hate (is the whole really greater than the... continued
A Special Story Read by Whitley
October 31, 2005This year, we're celebrating Halloween with a special reading by Whitley Strieber of his classic story, Falling Apart. This story, which appears in the anthology Evenings with Demons, is some sort of a horror classic?or is that humor? To listen,... continued
Dreamland Personalities at Conference
October 28, 2005Here's a chance to meet Linda Howe, William Henry, Michael Glickman, Margaret Starbird (who is this week's Dreamland radio guest), as well as many other edge thinkers, at Tempe, Arizona on November 18-21. Don't miss this important meeting of minds!... continued
Climate Change Nothing New
October 27, 2005We've now discovered signs of climate change on Mars, so it's not surprising that a researcher here on Earth has discovered evidence in Peru of climate change that took place there over 6,000 years ago. Glaciologist Lonnie Thompson has returned... continued
UFOs Seen All Over CA
October 27, 2005When Whitley published Communion almost 20 years ago, one of the newspapers that was the most skeptical about his experiences was the San Francisco Chronicle. But like many other media outlets, they seem to have changed their minds about UFOs.... continued
Fat kids Can Still Eat Halloween Candy
October 27, 2005Newswise - It is time to scare away the myth that says that overweight children with type II diabetes can't enjoy Halloween because of their disease. The truth is they can still enjoy sweets as long as they keep their... continued