Bird Flu: Low Risk to Humans?

October 20, 2005
Newswise - In the midst of widespread fears about a bird flu pandemic, some health experts are advising that if you cook poultry and eggs thoroughly, you have little chance of contracting avian flu. In the US, we have already... continued

Amazon Fires & African Drought Affect Us Here in the US

October 20, 2005
A vast drought threatens to kill the Amazon rain forest in Brazil, and as it dries up and becomes a tinder box, the likelihood of devastating fires predicted in Whitley Strieber's 1984 book Nature's End become greater and greater. Scientists... continued

Gargling With Water: All You Need to Fight a Cold

October 20, 2005
Newswise - Daily gargling with plain water will ward off colds. You don't even need to gargle with a disinfectant mouthwash. Just in time for the cold and flu season, Japanese researcher Dr. Kazunari Satomura has discovered that the common... continued

Graham Hancock at Conference in US in November

October 20, 2005
British author Graham Hancock, author of Talisman, Underworld, Heaven's Mirror, Fingerprints of the Gods and, most recently, Supernatural will be speaking at the 2nd Annual Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge that will take place November 11-12 at the Hilton... continued

CIA Goes Green

October 19, 2005
The government is using our tax dollars to research self-propelled cars and edible space rovers, neither of which will be of much use to the average person. But the CIA is working on a generator that produces electricity with no... continued

High Carb or Low Carb? How to Eat

October 19, 2005
We get so much conflicting advice about the right way to eat these days, and here?s more of it: some researchers say we should forget Atkins and return to a high-carb diet, while others says that a high-protein diet helps... continued

Wilma Most Powerful Ever: Florida Threatened

October 19, 2005
Hurricane Wilma has become the most powerful AtlanticHurricane ever recorded, and it appears poised to strikeFlorida. The storm is likely to come ashore with 165 MPHwinds on Florida' south coast, and roll up the state'seastern shore, declining from a Category... continued

Marijuana is Brain Food

October 19, 2005
Scientists have discovered that marijuana doesn?t just get you "high," it actually stimulates brain growth. They want to find a way to use it to treat anxiety and depression, since some scientists believe that depression can begin when too few... continued

Wilma Grows at Record Speed

October 19, 2005
Hurricane Wilma grew with unprecedented speed on Tuesday,moving from Category 2 to Category 4 in an hour, then toCategory 5 in another 2 hours. This massive storm now hassustained winds of 175 miles an hour, andappears to contain the lowest... continued

Mission to Venus Will Help Defeat Global Warming

October 18, 2005
We want to go to Mars to look for life and to perhaps establish a colony there, but why would anyone want to travel to hot, gaseous Venus? Astronomers think that Venus was once just like the Earth?before it experienced... continued