Future Storms Will Be Even Stronger

October 14, 2005
We've got had the one-two punch of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and the northeastern part of US is experiencing severe floods. Climatologists may not all agree on the details of what's causing global warming, but they all agree on one... continued

Our Brains are Still Getting Bigger

October 13, 2005
The human brain is still evolving and becoming larger, according to researchers who have analyzed two genes that regulate brain size. These genes, associated with larger brain size, appeared at about the same times as the emergence of culture, agriculture,... continued

Bird Flu Virus Spreading But HIV Getting Weaker

October 13, 2005
One thing that is consistent about viruses is that they constantly mutate. This is why new flu vaccines have to be produced every year. Now it's been announced that avian flu has reached Europe?that's the bad news about viruses. The... continued

Bird Brains: Smarter Than We Think

October 13, 2005
Birds are smarter than we think they are, perhaps because they are the descendents of dinosaurs. We think of dinos as having been huge and fairly stupid, but maybe they were actually both huge and SMART. Biologists have recently deciphered... continued

China in Space Not Just to Explore

October 12, 2005
Two Chinese astronauts have blasted into orbit, as Chinajoins the what used to be known as the space race, which hasbecome fairly defunct since the Soviet Union broke up andthe US began to haveshuttleproblems. However, NASA has vowed toland on... continued

Hopeful Hydrogen Fuel Breakthrough

October 12, 2005
Aside from the cost of producing hydrogen, the problem of containing is what's stopping the widespread adoption of this fuel. Since it is a single molecule, it is so tiny that it cannot be contained by a conventional automobile gas... continued

Muscle Makes You Fat

October 12, 2005
For severely obese people who have trouble losing weight even when they stick to reduced-calorie diets, the explanation may lie in a surprising place?their muscles. Skeletal muscle retains a metabolic memory of obesity that "programs" it to amass fat. What... continued

Pakistan Quake: The Animals Knew

October 11, 2005
But then, as we've reported in the past, they always do. Animals and birds in Pakistan started strangely just before the first earthquake hit. Dogs started barking for no reason and packs of them began roaming in the streets. Cats... continued

Warm Water Pouring into Arctic: Comment from New Whitley?s Journal

October 11, 2005
Scientists say that the amount of warm water reaching the Arctic from the Atlantic increased dramatically in 2004. This means that polar ice has started melting even faster than usual and that our climate will change radically. There may be... continued

This Can’t be Missed

October 10, 2005
James Kunstler, a recent guest on Dreamland radio who has written the book "The Long Emergency," recently gave a speech that absolutely every American needs to hear. He said, "Never before in American history have the public and its leaders... continued