Beach Volleyball Sags

October 6, 2005
Now that summer is over, some of us may look in a full length mirror and realize that, as author Gail Sheehan once wrote, "everything is a couple of inches lower than it used to be." This could be due... continued

How Does Flu Spread? Kids!

October 5, 2005
In announcements about how lethal the upcoming bird flu pandemic will be, experts are contradicting themselves. As we've told our readers before, the best weapon against bird flu is to wash your hands whenever you come in from outside, because... continued

You Are What Your Mom Ate

October 5, 2005
With the current epidemic of obesity and Type II diabetes among both children and adults, researchers are trying to determine if what our mothers ate influences our future health. Their conclusion: it does?a lot. Dr. Donald Novak says, "There are... continued

Anne’s Diary: What I Learned From the Fat Years

October 4, 2005
Using the science she's learned from writing the news every day, Anne Strieber recently lost one hundred pounds. Many of you are familiar with her recent near death experience, and she says ironically, "People think I lost the weight... continued

Trash?It’s Also a Problem on Mars

October 3, 2005
Newswise - On the long space trip from Earth to Mars "the crew won't be able to get by with a bag lunch and Portapotty," says biologist Arthur Teixeira. If we build a base on the moon, we?ve going to... continued

Shoplifters?How to Spot Them

October 3, 2005
A new study has found that shoppers who leave the store without buying anything are much more likely to be walking away with stolen merchandise than those who do make a purchase. Slightly more than 8% of the people who... continued

Moon Orbiting Tenth Planet

October 3, 2005
We only recently discovered that there is a tenth planet in our solar system. Now it has been discovered that there is a moon orbiting this planet. Both planet and moon are far away from the sun and other planets,... continued

Katrina Aid Delayed by Iraq

October 3, 2005
You read it here first. Now a secret government report says that relief efforts to help Katrina sufferers failed so badly because of military troop shortages due to the Iraq war. Kim Sengupta reports in the Independent that this confidential... continued

Bird Flu: Not as Bad as They Told Us

October 3, 2005
The World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned that they caused too much international alarm with their recent statement that bird flu could kill as many as 150 million people. Scientific predictions of bird flu deaths have ranged from less than... continued

Where Did the New Orleans Flood Waters Go?

October 3, 2005
Using NASA satellite imagery, scientists have discovered that 23% of the water released from the mouth of the Mississippi River after the New Orleans floods subsided traveled into the Gulf of Mexico, around the Florida Keys, and into the Atlantic... continued