Alligators & Killer Dolphins Escape

September 26, 2005
Possibly as many as hundreds of thousands of alligators fromswamped alligator farms have been washed into Lake Charles,area rivers,the Gulf and other waterways, thanks to hurricanes Rita and Katrina. Now it's been discovered that armed dolphins, trained by the US... continued

Air Pollution Kills

September 25, 2005
Experts may be significantly underestimating air pollution's role in causing early death, according to a team of researchers who studied twenty years of auto emissions data to learn the effect on Los Angeles residents. Also, the closer children live to... continued

Asteroids May Influence Global Warming

September 25, 2005
Dust from asteroids entering the atmosphere may influence Earth's weather more than previously believed, according to an article in the journal Nature. Researchers have found evidence that dust from an asteroid burning up as it passed through Earth's atmosphere formed... continued

Rita Disintegrating Inland

September 24, 2005
As Hurricane Rita came ashore near Beaumont, Texas, it wasdowngraded to a tropical storm and continues to weaken as itmoves inland. The system is moving slowly and is expected todump upwards of 10 inches of rain across east Texas andLouisiana,... continued

Global Warming: This is It

September 23, 2005
Do the recent hurricanes have anything to do with global warming? UK environmental head Sir John Lawton says this is what global warming looks like, when it starts to affect the world we live in. Michael McCarthy reports in the... continued

How to Fight Student Sleepiness

September 23, 2005
It's been discovered that fidgety ADHD kids probably don't need medicine--what they really need is more sleep. From first grade through kindergarten, students have a hard time staying awake in class. College and high school kids slug high caffeine coffee... continued

Alphabet Song Can Teach Anyone to Read?Even Autistics

September 23, 2005
Newswise - Ancient, preliterate cultures kept their legends and traditions alive with the use of memorization. Many lengthy poems and epics that were eventually written down, such as the works of Homer in ancient Greece, were memorized first. Scholars think... continued

Huge Watch Area but Rita Weakens as N.O. Floods Again

September 23, 2005
Hurricane force winds are expected to strike from PortO'Connor, Texas to Morgan City, Louisana tomorrow morning,but Hurricane Rita is not at this time gaining energy. It isnow a Category 3 hurricane with winds up to 125 MPH and maywell weaken... continued

Gulf Buoys Recording Massive Waves

September 22, 2005
National Data Buoy Center recording buoys are transmittingwave heights in excess of 30 feet beneath Hurricane Rita.This suggests a possible storm surge in excess of 22-24 feetif the storm does not weaken dramatically in the next fewhours. As Rita moves... continued

Tough Winter Coming: Your Brain Will Shrink

September 22, 2005
Climatologists say that recent sea surface temperatures are a close match to conditions prior to the winter of 1995-6 which had incredibly harsh weather. Scientists now know that our brains actually shrink in the winter. Since this will be a... continued