Anne’s Diary: Evolution

September 28, 2005
In her new diary, Anne writes: "Scientists across the nation are enraged at Bush's recent statement that the mainstream scientific theory of evolution should be presented side-by-side with the competing doctrine of intelligent design. I don't understand the whole conflict,... continued

New Corn May Prevent Mad Cow Disease

September 28, 2005
It's nice when there's GOOD news for a change. Mad Cow Disease may become a thing of the past. Mad Cow is caused by farmers feeding cattle the ground-up bones of other cows?or sometimes even human beings, in order to... continued

Global Warming: Viruses Will Escape from Melting Ice

September 28, 2005
As the world warms up, ice sheets and glaciers are melting, releasing trapped viruses that have been frozen for hundreds of thousands?perhaps even millions?of years. Are any of them dangerous? The Independent (UK) newspaper reports that during the freezing process,... continued

No Gas? Burn Grass!

September 28, 2005
A new hybrid grass may become a valuable fuel source that can substitute for oil, coal and natural gas. Miscanthus giganteus can grow 13 feet high. Europeans have been burning compacted grass pellets for decades. They don't use them in... continued

Robots Invading Our Lives

September 28, 2005
In the future, according to some scientists, robots will turn up as nannies, teachers and as dogs that keep track of your health. Researchers have also invented a robot juror that can help decide whether or not an offender should... continued

Was the 2004 Election Stolen–The Question That Won’t Go Away

September 27, 2005
?And if it was, what does that portend for both sides?right and left?in future elections? how can we ever again be sure that right person takes office? In the wake of the increasingly unpopular Iraq war, which is shaping up... continued

Bad Monogram? No, You’re Not Destined to Die Young

September 27, 2005
Newswise - When you read your initials from left to right, do they form a word? If they do, is it a unattractive word like PIG or ZIT? Or is it an attractive word, like ACE, WOW or JOY? Scientists... continued

Our Future Will be Fantastic

September 27, 2005
Flying cars are everywhere?large regions of the Earth are under transparent domes with controlled weather...elsewhere, single buildings rise miles into the sky...huge areas of the ocean are covered with solar cells...tiny cameras watch everyone everywhere all the time, making sure... continued

Unsettled Weather Lurks Near S. America–Is it Coming Our Way?

September 26, 2005
An unsettled area of weather between South America and theisland of Hispaniola appears to be becoming more organized.This area has not yet been declared a tropical depression,and may not be, but conditions are good to advance this intoan organized storm... continued

Worst Hurricane Season Ever

September 26, 2005
It's official: This is the worst hurricane season in recorded history. According to historian Eric Gross, "Hurricane Katrina [is] the most expensive natural disaster in our nation's history, even when damages are converted to a constant-dollar figure to account for... continued