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Mad Cow Began with Human Remains
September 2, 2005Animal feed contaminated with human remains may have caused the first cases of Mad Cow Disease. Previously it was assumed that Mad Cow began when the ground up remains of other cattle were fed to cows as a source of... continued
No Room at the Inn
September 2, 2005Governor Rick Perry of Texas made a generous gesture when he offered to house the newly homeless people of New Orleans in the Astrodome in Houston. There were so many people overflowing the Superdome in Louisiana that the dome, along... continued
New Orleans Money Diverted to Iraq
September 1, 2005We recently wrote about how National Guard troops needed for disaster relief in New Orleans have been diverted to the Iraq war. Now it turns out that Federal money earmarked to repair the levee system has been diverted to Iraq... continued
Is New Orleans Worse Than We’re Being Told?
September 1, 2005There are increasing indications that the situation in New Orleans may be worse than Americans are being told. TV outlets abroad are reportedly showing video of large numbers of floating bodies, and just as the US media did not show... continued
Are We in a Weather War? Dreamland Asks an Expert.
September 1, 2005This week on Dreamland, we concentrate on Hurricane Katrina?but in ways you will not hear anywhere else. First, we talk to weather expert Scott Stevens, who says that since the Russian deployment of the so-called "Woodpecker Grid" of radio frequencies... continued
Lack of National Guard Units Slows New Orleans Recovery–Thousands May be Dead
August 31, 2005UPDATE: New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin says that thousands have died. In a news conference, he announced that, "We know there is a significant number of dead bodies in the water." He thinks that there are also people lying dead... continued
Climate Change Witch Hunt
August 31, 2005Three of America's leading climate scientists are accusing a politician of intimidating them, because they are insisting that global warming is real and that action should be taken immediately to curb greenhouse gas emissions, before more events like hurricane Katrina... continued
Old Ears on Young Bodies
August 30, 2005Everywhere you go these days you overhear conversations taking place on cell phones and see people wearing headphones moving to music only they can hear. All this is leading to old ears on young bodies. Audio expert Robert Novak says,... continued
Can Food Cure Psycho Symptoms?
August 30, 2005Eating oat bran lowers the body's cholesterol levels. Eating dairy foods strengthens bones. Are there foods that can help psychological disorders? We know that certain foods, like chocolate, raise serotonin levels. Serotonin is the "happiness chemical" that is raised by... continued
Mysterious Scream
August 30, 2005A local TV station in Liberty Ohio is investigating a mysterious recurring scream. One person heard it while out walking with her spouse. She happened to have a tape recorder with her, so she recorded the sound and sent it... continued