New Orleans Levee Breaks

August 30, 2005
A massive break in the 17th Street levee is flooding the city of New Orleans. Jefferson and Plaquemine Parishes are under martial law. Nobody is being allowed into the city.The 200ft wide break is expected to continue flooding untilthe water... continued

Katrina: Whose Fault is It?

August 30, 2005
Whitley writes in his latest journal: "Another summer, another series of weather catastrophes worldwide...And now Katrina, which could well turn out to be the greatest environmental disaster in the history of the United States, and a terrifying warning of worse... continued

Tearful Governor: Evacuate New Orleans

August 30, 2005
Governor Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana, choking back tears,has announced that the city of New Orleans must beevacuated. In a press conference called half an hour ago,she described the situation as "untenable" and announcedthat everybody in all the rescue centers in... continued

No Flooding in Central New Orleans, but Losses May be Great

August 29, 2005
Although New Orleans narrowly missed being the first US cityeverdestroyed by a storm this morning when Hurricane Katrinafirst diminished slightly in power, then edged east, thelack of information from areas in the storm's path is amatter of the most serious... continued

A River Disappears

August 29, 2005
A river went underground in one Arizona town as a huge fissure opened up in another. The Santa Cruz River rose so high that it covered Interstate highway 19 in places. Cars couldn't get through. Then three days later, the... continued

Katrina Downgraded to Cat. 3

August 28, 2005
Hurricane Katrina began to lose power dramatically as it moved towardNew Orleans, and has been downgraded by the National WeatherService to a Category 3 hurricane, with maximum sustainedwinds of 135 MPH. This is still a dangerous storm, and thereremains a... continued

Secret Nazi Colony Finally Broken Up

August 28, 2005
After forty years, the Chilean authorities have broken up the Colonia Dignidad commune, which was founded by escaped Nazis and Nazi sympathizers. It aided the cruel military dictatorship of that has been accused of aiding the former military dictatorship of... continued

Phoenix Lights Back in Arizona

August 28, 2005
On August 25, a photographer in Phoenix took new footage of what appear to be the Phoenix Lights hovering over Estrella Mountain in Arizona, which are very similar to the images captured by Dr. Lynn Kitei and others. This follows... continued

Katrina Turns into Gulf Monster

August 27, 2005
Thousands of people along the coast of the Gulf of Mexicofrom Louisiana to the Florida Panhandle were urged toevacuate as Hurricane Katrina gathered strength and aimedfor the US gulf coast. The hurricane is expected to makelandfall by Monday as a... continued

China Attacking Pentagon Computers

August 26, 2005
In a new form of espionage, Chinese hackers are spying on Pentagon computers. Besides trying to "read" secret information, they are infecting military computers with computer viruses. The Pentagon admits that some of their computer software is antiquated, leaving their... continued