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Meet Linda Howe
August 26, 2005Labor Day weekend, September 2-4, is the date of the annual National UFO Conference, to be held this year at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel,1755 North Highland Ave., in Hollywood, California. Our science reporter Linda Howe will be there, as will... continued
Floods, Drought in Europe as Hurricane Approaches Florida
August 25, 2005World weather continued in an extremely unsettled state asrecord floods killed at least 34 people in Europe andTropical Storm Katrina promised to bring heavy rainfall toSouth Florida. Meanwhile, Portugal and Spain suffered recorddrought as fires consumed over a hundred thousand... continued
UFO Wave in New Mexico
August 25, 2005In a scenario reminiscent of the Phoenix Lights, UFOs are being seen by large numbers of people in New Mexico. Photos taken by a Navajo teen show mysterious yellow, red and orange lights in the night sky. One of the... continued
Corals Spawn Secretly by Moonlight
August 24, 2005We had a full moon just a few nights ago. In the Florida Keys, the August full moon is the setting for an incredible secret event: the annual spawning for the elkhorn, staghorn, boulder star coral, which are some of... continued
Reality is a Blink Away
August 24, 2005The expression, "Don't blink or you?ll miss it," has taken on a new meaning. Researchers have found that parts of the brain actually shut down every time we blink. The average person blinks about 15 times per minute. So even... continued
Can We Clean Up Fossil Fuels?
August 24, 2005Can we continue to burn fossil fuels and still halt global warming? Big government and big business are pushing zero emission power plants tha tburn coal or gas but release no CO2. Europe is much more worried about global warming... continued
Asteroid Coming Our Way?Again
August 24, 2005An asteroid will pass close to the Earth on April 13, 2029 and it may come back and hit us in 2036. NASA is trying to decide whether to try to tag the asteroid with a warning radio beacon before... continued
Beaches Closed Across the Country
August 24, 2005When you take your annual Labor Day trip to the beach, will it be safe to go in the water? Ocean and lakefront beaches across the United States reported 20,000 closings in 2004 due to hazardous water conditions. This the... continued
Redheads Feel Less Pain
August 24, 2005We've written before that geneticists think that redheads may be closely related to Neanderthals. Now it turns out that people with red hair feel less pain?could their Neanderthal ancestry be the reason for this? Scientists want to know if there... continued
How 911 Changed Their Lives
August 24, 2005We all know that 911 changed the way New Yorkers live, the same way 7/7 changed the way London's residents live their lives. But 911 changed the way people in Central Ohio live too, even though there have never been... continued