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Old Folktales Could be Real
August 17, 2005Stories of two-headed serpents and epic battles between Thunderbird and Whale, common among Northwest native peoples, have their root in the region's earthquake history, according to research by scientists at the University of Washington, who have learned there was a... continued
NY Times Reports ANOTHER Major 911 Failure
August 17, 2005The New York Timesreports that members of a classified military intelligence programcalled Able Danger contacted the FBI in 2000 with detailedinformation about a terrorist cell that involved theringleader of the 911 terrorist attacks, Mohammed Atta. Lawyers at the Special Operations... continued
Sorry?You’re Not the Dad
August 17, 2005Ever since DNA testing has allowed us to find out who the father of a baby really is, we drive by huge billboards telling Dads they should get their babies tested before paying child support. There's a reason for this:... continued
Test for Lung Cancer: Will People Take It?
August 16, 2005We've recently written about the tragedy of nonsmokers getting lung cancer. Women are more vulnerable to this. If there was a simple, inexpensive, painless test for lung cancer that could be taken early, before symptoms show up, would we take... continued
Can Money Buy Happiness? Yes, But?
August 16, 2005As Groucho Marx once said, "I've been rich and I've been poor. Rich is better." Rich people do tend to be happier than poor people, according to sociologists?but only if they're richer than their (rich) neighbors. We all want to... continued
Big or Small, Cats All Related
August 15, 2005New DNA studies show that all cats, big and small, are closely related. The prehistoric saber-toothed tiger is an ancestor of the housecat of today. It only took 15 million years?a blink of an eye in geologic time?for cats to... continued
High Strangeness Air Tragedy
August 15, 2005A number of mysteries surround the crash yesterday of HeliosAirways Flight 522, bound from Cyprus to Prague via Athens.The plane lost contact with ground controllers and Greekfighters were dispatched to observe it and escort it to theground. Two Greek Air... continued
Artists Different After Disease
August 14, 2005Even a minor stroke can change the way painters create art. Their painting style can change, as well as the colors they choose. In the Journal of Neurology, scientists report on their studies of two professional painters, both of whom... continued
Bolt from the Blue
August 14, 2005In the latest incident of wacky weather, the National Weather Service in Phoenix reports a lightning bolt so powerful it looked like a volcano and sounded like a dynamite blast. It damaged 13 homes in the area. After striking one... continued
Have We Reached the Tipping Point?
August 12, 2005A massive, unexpected thaw that covers an area of Siberia the size of France and Germany combined is now releasing billions of tons of the super global warming gas methane into the atmosphere. This will cause the kind of methane... continued