Ear Worms

August 3, 2005
"Ear worms" are not parasites invading our ears, they are tunes you can't get out of your head. Scientists want to learn what makes a tune so catchy, it "hooks" your brain so you can't forget it. Advertisers and jingle... continued

Wacky Weather Continues?Hottest Summer Ever

August 1, 2005
It's official: the weather bureau has announced that this is the hottest summer ever in the US. At least 40 people have died from the heat in Phoenix, but places that are usually much cooler in the summer, such as... continued

Why Wolves are Important

August 1, 2005
Willow trees, warblers and beaver dams were once common in Canada. But when wolves left this area, elk grew more plentiful, and they ate all the young willows. Today, there are few beavers, and sparrows have replaced the warblers that... continued

New Planet Revealed Due to Hacker Threat

August 1, 2005
It took a hacker's threat to get scientists to reveal the existence of the 10th planet that has recently been discovered in the Kuiper Belt beyond the orbit of Pluto. Why the information was being kept secret is unknown. Alicia... continued

Global Warming Really Here

July 31, 2005
Despite what the government and car manufacturers would like you to believe, the fact is that global warming is really here. One thing that will slow down the Gulf Stream, the powerful ocean current that brings warm water (and weather)... continued

New Whitley Strieber Revelations

July 29, 2005
In his latest Journal, Whitley writes: "A few weeks ago, I discovered a lost trove of lecture tapes, interviews, videos and other audio-visual documents, including some of the most unusual UFO videos ever made, and this week I begin the... continued

India Deluge Kills Hundreds

July 29, 2005
The downpour that struck Bombay (Mumbai) on Tuesday has leftat least 500 people dead and possibly many more. Parts ofthe state of Maharashtra received 37 inches of rain over avery short time, and Bombay received 26 inches. It was arecord... continued

Secret UFO Files Declassified in Australia

July 28, 2005
Thirty years worth of secret UFO files are about to be released in Australia (we wish they would do that here in the US). The Northern Territory government has declassified documents about UFO activity in Darwin. One of these documents... continued

Realistic Android has Arrived

July 28, 2005
Japanese scientists have developed an incredibly real-looking female robot, made of soft silicone "skin" instead of hard plastic. It can blink and move its hands like a human, and even seems to breathe. Is this Blade Runner come to life,... continued

Mad Cow Strikes Again

July 28, 2005
There is a new case of Mad Cow Disease in the US, but we're told it does not threaten our food supply, because the affected cow died on the farm where it was raised and its meat never entered the... continued