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The Healthiest Towns in the US
July 20, 2005We recently reported on the most sinful towns in the US. There's an old adage that says that cleanliness is next to Godliness, but for modern folk, it's easy to be clean, so most of us would substitute "exercise" for... continued
Are Magicians Behind UFO Sightings?
July 20, 2005We've had many magicians on Dreamland radio and they?ve made many claims. Sometimes they say they create crop circles and ET sightings. This makes it sound as if they're taking credit for a lot of different mysteries, but afascinating new... continued
Designated Drivers Don’t Work
July 20, 2005Some of the things we assume work well, really don't. For instance, cutting down on the number of cigarettes you smoke does not improve your health. And while beer ads on TV always push having a designated driver, who agrees... continued
Hybrid Cars Can be Made Even Greener
July 19, 2005Hybrid automobiles can be made even more environmentally friendly by the addition of solar cells. Environmentalist Steven Letendre says, "If the 200 million cars in the United States had 500 watts of solar cells integrated into their body panels, it... continued
Mountain Dwellers Live Longer
July 19, 2005Newswise - ?But climbing that mountain can be a problem. Researchers have learned that mountain dwellers live longer than people in lowland areas. But beware: Every year, about 1,000 tourists climb Mount McKinley, but many of them have to scurry... continued
Different Future Coming Fast
July 18, 2005While some scientists see incredible changes coming in the future, others despair to think that ancient prejudices could still be causing tragedies like 911 and the recent terrorist attacks on London. English Astronomer Royal Martin Rees, who has been interviewed... continued
We’re Losing Bees But Can’t Do Without Them
July 18, 2005Pesticide levels that were previously thought to be safe for bees may actually be harmful to them. Adult bumble bees exposed to the pesticide spinosad have an impaired ability to forage for food. Spinosad is a natural pesticide derived from... continued
Storms and Congressmen Grow More Dangerous
July 17, 2005As a prominent Japanese meteorolgist warns that Japan is atrisk to be struck by a Category 5 typhoon this year and theAtlantic hurricane season gets off to an ominious start, aUS congressman is trying to put a damper on climate... continued
Comcast Censorship Trial Balloon?
July 17, 2005Afterdowningstreet.orgis an organization that seeks to draw attention tothe Downing Street Minutes and to lobby Congress to open aninvestigation into whether the President has committedimpeachable offenses. Whether one agrees or disagrees with any givenorganization's political stance, it is clear that... continued
More War on the Way? New Threat from China
July 15, 2005As American power wanes due to military and political failures, other nations are seeking to take advantage of the vacuum being left behind, and now China has threatened the United States with nuclear retaliation if we attempt to help our... continued