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We’re Losing Bees But Can’t Do Without Them
July 18, 2005Pesticide levels that were previously thought to be safe for bees may actually be harmful to them. Adult bumble bees exposed to the pesticide spinosad have an impaired ability to forage for food. Spinosad is a natural pesticide derived from... continued
Storms and Congressmen Grow More Dangerous
July 17, 2005As a prominent Japanese meteorolgist warns that Japan is atrisk to be struck by a Category 5 typhoon this year and theAtlantic hurricane season gets off to an ominious start, aUS congressman is trying to put a damper on climate... continued
Comcast Censorship Trial Balloon?
July 17, 2005Afterdowningstreet.orgis an organization that seeks to draw attention tothe Downing Street Minutes and to lobby Congress to open aninvestigation into whether the President has committedimpeachable offenses. Whether one agrees or disagrees with any givenorganization's political stance, it is clear that... continued
Future of America: A REALLY Big Country?
July 15, 2005Someday we'll supposedly be able to stop worrying about Mexican immigrants illegally entering the US from the South and terrorists coming here over the Canadian border to the North, because there won't BE any more borders. That?s when the United... continued
More War on the Way? New Threat from China
July 15, 2005As American power wanes due to military and political failures, other nations are seeking to take advantage of the vacuum being left behind, and now China has threatened the United States with nuclear retaliation if we attempt to help our... continued
Reading the Enemy’s Mind
July 15, 2005Paul Smith is a retired army intelligence officer, a Desert Storm vet, and for seven years was an operational remote viewer and instructor. Like most remote viewers, he was trained by the US government, even though the CIA has declared... continued
Last Day $5 Off on Communion Letters
July 15, 2005This is the last day you can get $5 off on The Communion Letters, Whitley and Anne's amazing compendium of the very best letters they received about people?s ET experiences. Read stories about contact in experiencers' own words?there's never been... continued
Where Does Terrorism Come From?
July 14, 2005At a time when London has recently experienced suicide bombings and terrorist attacks kill collation soldiers in Iraq every day, two Purdue University professors are turning to writings published 25 years ago try to understand radical Islam, through the writings... continued
Mom’s Makeup Can be Dangerous
July 14, 2005It's now known that heavy metal pollution of the kind emitted by cars and power plants leads to autism in babies born with a genetic sensitivity to it. This is going to create a huge groundswell in the US for... continued
Sneaky Subliminal Advertising?Why it Works
July 13, 2005Thirsty people can be made to drink more than they normally would by being exposed to subliminal facial expressions, which are not seen consciously. In a recent study, hidden smiles persuaded people to drink specific beverages than neutral expressions did.... continued