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Future of America: A REALLY Big Country?
July 15, 2005Someday we'll supposedly be able to stop worrying about Mexican immigrants illegally entering the US from the South and terrorists coming here over the Canadian border to the North, because there won't BE any more borders. That?s when the United... continued
Where Does Terrorism Come From?
July 14, 2005At a time when London has recently experienced suicide bombings and terrorist attacks kill collation soldiers in Iraq every day, two Purdue University professors are turning to writings published 25 years ago try to understand radical Islam, through the writings... continued
Mom’s Makeup Can be Dangerous
July 14, 2005It's now known that heavy metal pollution of the kind emitted by cars and power plants leads to autism in babies born with a genetic sensitivity to it. This is going to create a huge groundswell in the US for... continued
Sneaky Subliminal Advertising?Why it Works
July 13, 2005Thirsty people can be made to drink more than they normally would by being exposed to subliminal facial expressions, which are not seen consciously. In a recent study, hidden smiles persuaded people to drink specific beverages than neutral expressions did.... continued
How to Call Loved Ones During a Terrorist Attack
July 13, 2005Newswise - London had its own 911 on July 7 and Whitley Strieber warns that it will happen again. Engineers warn that in a major disaster, cell phones will not work for emergency communications because of the overload on the... continued
Black Boxes Predicted 911
July 12, 2005Can black boxes called Random Number Generators predict the future? These small machines are in secret places in 41 countries around the world, where they can pick up mass thought and thus predict major events. The original RNG resides in... continued
Whitley’s Journal: A Nation in Peril
July 12, 2005In his latest Journal, Whitley writes: "There is a significant likelihood that the United States is going to experience a nuclear attack. This attack will probably take the form of the destruction of more than one American city, and will... continued
Star Trek Travel Possible
July 11, 2005Star Trek is no more, but most of us still long to be able to travel through teleportation, especially in these days of long lines and personal frisking at airports. Teleportation may be a reality sooner than we think, because... continued
What Remote Viewers See in the Future
July 11, 2005We've had several remote viewers on Dreamland, and most of you know that Anne and Whitley met secret CIA remote viewers when they came to their cabin in New York State. While the government now denies it has such a... continued
Insight: Deadly Immunity
July 8, 2005Here on unknowncountry.com, we report regularly on the epidemic of autism in children and the scientists who are trying to find out the cause of this heartbreaking condition. We recently reported a devastating story about researchers who say this is... continued