Doctors Want to Ban Kitchen Knives

July 7, 2005
Newswise - ?Not in airplanes, but in the kitchen! Physicians say that long pointed kitchen knives should be banned to reduce deaths from stabbing. This will make certain kitchen chores harder for those of us who want to use the... continued

How to Eat Steaks in Space

July 6, 2005
Environmentalists say that cattle ranching should become athing of the past, since cows passing gas (methane) are amajor source of global warming and farming cows is also awasteful use of land. At least we now know that cattle donot need... continued

Jaws May Lead to End of Sharks

July 5, 2005
Newswise - A recent shark attack left a young fisherman,who was standing in the ocean fishing with live bait, withone leg missing. Despite this, biologists insist that sharksare not nearly as dangerous as they seem and that thethriller Jaws gave... continued

Lopsided Earth

July 5, 2005
NASA - Global warming may lead to a lopsided planet, if the extrarain and snow which are depicted in the film The Day AfterTomorrow lead to more ice in the South Pole, while the NorthPole melts due to hotter weather.... continued

Guidelines Indicate Everyone is Sick

July 5, 2005
Current medical guidelines label 9 out of 10 people over age50 as sick, since their blood pressure and cholesterol aretoo high. How can this be? Physicians are also concernedthat so-called ideal weights are too low?that it's notactually healthy for people... continued

No Time to Exercise? How About Six Minutes a Week?

July 5, 2005
According to a new study published in the new issue ofApplied Physiology, six minutes of intense exercise a weekworks as well as six hours. No time to go to the gym? Cutyour workout down to two minutes a day! But... continued

Secret UFO Report Revealed

July 5, 2005
By evoking the British Freedom of Information Act, which isnow in place in the UK (as well as in the US), Welsh UFOinvestigator Chris Fowler was able to get a 107-page reportabout an incident in 1993 when 70 UFO sightings... continued

Disappearing Surf Mystifies Scientists

July 5, 2005
Something has caused the breakers to disappear from Europe'smost famous surfing beach. The Basque Wave, which may reachupwards of 20 feet as it breaks, has been reduced to littlemore than a ripple. Scientists are unable to explain the disappearance of... continued

Anne & Whitley’s Story

July 4, 2005
So many of you have written asking for the links to theWhitley's Journal and Anne's Diary entries that tell therecent story of Anne's near death experience due to a brainhemorrhage and her return to life, that we've collected themhere, in... continued

Anne’s Diary: My Personal Ice Age

July 4, 2005
Anne has written a new Diary, probably the last one she willwrite about her recent illness. She calls her stroke "mypersonal ice age." To find out why,click here. If you don't know the story of Anne and Whitley's recentstruggle with... continued