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Rural Cell Phone Users in More Car Crashes
July 1, 2005Rural drivers using cell phones while driving are nearlyfour times more likely to cause automobile accidents thanrural drivers not using cell phones. Especially if you livein the country, you should hang up and concentrate on theroad. This is a puzzling... continued
Baby Bottles are Dangerous for Boys
July 1, 2005For the first time, researchers have found a link betweenpregnant women's exposure to a common type of plastics andadverse effects on genital development in their malechildren. And babies still aren't safe after they're born:the bottles used to feed infants or... continued
This Week’s Dreamland: Alien Evidence
July 1, 2005Popular Dreamland guest Andrew Collins is back with a wholenew take on the nature of UFOs and aliens. For nearly 60years, some people have been stating that UFOs arespacecraft from another planet, and that the beings theycontain are aliens. Others... continued
Windfarms?Blight or Blessing?
June 29, 2005Wind farms, with their rows of tall white poles topped withspinning turbines, all generating electricity, are abeautiful, calming sight to some people and a blight on thelandscape to others?especially when they're placed in theocean, within sight of beachfront property. Willett... continued
More Cops, Less Crime? Yes!
June 28, 2005We're constantly hearing that hiring more policemen reducescrime, but is this really true? Law professor JonathanKlick says it is, and not by just a little bit either. Hefound a 15% reduction in crime in the police district wherethe White House... continued
Women: Live Long & Healthy?Make Friends
June 28, 2005Weight, cholesterol and blood pressure are all important.For men,marriage leadsto a healthier old age than remaining single. But this isn'tnecessarily true for women. For them, having plenty offriends is associated with a dramatically lower risk ofsuffering a heart attack or... continued
Most Folks in the Middle on Gay Rights
June 28, 2005When you hear news stories about a battle against homosexualrights, don't believe it: a recent Florida study shows thatportraying the gay rights conflict as a sharply dividedbattle between homosexuals and social conservatives ignoresthe ambivalent feelings held by the vast majority... continued
Winners Wear Red
June 27, 2005The Spurs, the new NBA champs, wear black and white, but the Chicago Bulls, longtime NBA winners, wore red, andpsychologists think it wasn't just Michael Jordan who gavethis team such an edge--it was their red uniforms too. In the U.K.,... continued
The Most Sinful Towns in the US
June 27, 2005Boston and Boulder, Colorado, share a special distinction:They lead the nation in marijuana use. Northwestern Iowa andsouthern Texas have the lowest use. The federal governmenttracks the use of drugs, cigarettes, alcohol andvarious other substances, both legal and illegal, so theycan... continued
Global Warming: A New Piece of the Puzzle
June 27, 2005Newswise - A climatologist has found that the kinds of plants growingin a specific area can significantly affect the extremeweather caused by global warming. Global warming doesn'tsimply cause warmer weather; it causes weather extremes,including storms, floods, and even freezes. These... continued