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A Test to Tell if Women will be Astronauts in Future
June 27, 2005A joint NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) bed-rest studyof females will help scientists understand what womenastronauts will go through during long journeys in space.Changes in the immune system could have serious effects onan astronaut?s ability to resist infection and... continued
US Cow Tests Positive for Mad Cow
June 24, 2005The US Agriculture Department said today that a test of anAmerican cow has come back positive for bovine spongiformencephalopathy (BSE), or mad cow disease. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns announced that the animalhad been removed from the food chain in November... continued
Shroud of Turin Probably Fake
June 23, 2005The French science magazine "Science and Life" says thatrecent experiments prove that the shroud of Turin is a fake.The shroud, which has an image of a crucified man on it, isthought to be the burial wrapping of Jesus. The authenticityof... continued
Major Earthquake Overdue in Midwest
June 23, 2005Residents of California who live along the San Andreas faultworry about earthquakes, while people in the Midwest arerelaxed about THAT problem anyway?but it turns out theyshouldn't be, because been discovered that 200 years ago, amassive earthquake caused damage from South... continued
What Makes Some Places More Powerful Than Others
June 23, 2005This week on Dreamland, William Henry interviews one of thefew people in the world who really understandspowerplaces and how to use them. He and William explore the factthat patterns incropcircles often mimic the layouts of ancient cathedrals.Subscribers getto listen to... continued
Could our Politics All be Genetic?
June 22, 2005In the June 21st New York Times, Nicholas Bakalar reportsthat our politics--whether far right, far left ormoderate--are NOT the result of our upbringing or even of acareful scrutiny of the issues: they are genetic. Whether weare Republicans or Democrats, are... continued
New Reasons to Eat Raisins
June 22, 2005Newswise - You may not realize this, but your saliva fights toothdecay. It can also be used to diagnose diseases, and notonly diseases of the mouth. This is good news for those ofus who hate blood tests and can't afford... continued
Cattle STILL Being Fed Mad Cow Food
June 22, 2005Newswise - Daily News Central reports that US ranchers are stillfeeding their cattle things that could help transmit Mad CowDisease to humans, such as the blood of other cattle. MadCow Disease was a major news headline, but once the publicwent... continued
Swimming in Cold Water Can Make You Fat
June 20, 2005Newswise - Swimming in the cold water of the ocean or a lake instead ofin the warm water of a swimming pool can increase yourappetite, making it harder to lose unwanted pounds. Thiscould be why swimmers, as compared to dieters... continued
Deaf? Bring Your Computer to the Theater
June 20, 2005Newswise - For people who are deaf or hard of hearing, the voices ofactors, teachers, sports announcers and clergy are silenced.But now researchers have developed a captioning system thatyou can take with you, for the 28 million Americans (about10% of... continued