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Cattle STILL Being Fed Mad Cow Food
June 22, 2005Newswise - Daily News Central reports that US ranchers are stillfeeding their cattle things that could help transmit Mad CowDisease to humans, such as the blood of other cattle. MadCow Disease was a major news headline, but once the publicwent... continued
Swimming in Cold Water Can Make You Fat
June 20, 2005Newswise - Swimming in the cold water of the ocean or a lake instead ofin the warm water of a swimming pool can increase yourappetite, making it harder to lose unwanted pounds. Thiscould be why swimmers, as compared to dieters... continued
Deaf? Bring Your Computer to the Theater
June 20, 2005Newswise - For people who are deaf or hard of hearing, the voices ofactors, teachers, sports announcers and clergy are silenced.But now researchers have developed a captioning system thatyou can take with you, for the 28 million Americans (about10% of... continued
Brain Cells Grown in Petri Dish
June 20, 2005Scientists have grown new rodent brain cells in a laboratorydish. If this can eventually be done with human brain cells,we would have a cure for Alzheimer's, stroke, epilepsy,Parkinson's disease and maybe even schizophrenia. The braincells can be created at a... continued
Listen to Anne’s Diary About the Communion Years
June 17, 2005In her most recent websitediary entry, "Moving On," Anne Strieber wrote: "Whitley andI are moving, and I think it's something everyone should domore often, because you find so many wonderful memoriestucked away in drawers. One of the most precious things... continued
Why Nonsmokers Get Lung Cancer
June 16, 2005Newswise - Talk about BAD LUCK: some people get lung cancer who have never smoked a cigarette! Lung cancer patients who have never smoked probably have one of two genetic mutations thatare linked to the disease. Scientists hope this will... continued
Leading 911 Expert on Dreamland This Week
June 16, 2005Theologian David Ray Griffin is not satisfied with theofficial explanations for September 11, 2001. His two booksare the most powerful indictments of the government's 911actions and explanations ever written. He has been featuredon C-SPAN recently, and is considered one of... continued
What’s Your REAL Age?
June 15, 2005You may be 18?or 21?or 60?or MORE?but what's your REAL age?Your real age is the biological age of your body, based onhow well you've maintained yourself. Are you really asyoung (or old) as you think you are? Take the RealAge... continued
Anne’s Diary: Moving On
June 14, 2005Despite being in the throes of moving, Anne has written anew diary about howmoving from one house to another is a metaphor for moving onin life. Don't miss this. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will... continued
MORE Pre-911 Iraq War Memos
June 14, 2005A secret British government memo, written in 2002, (asreported in ourMay 8 editionof unknowncountry.com), revealed that the U.S. and the U.K.KNEW there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraqbefore they invaded. Now seven more similar memos have beenrevealed by... continued