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Smart Clothes in Your Future
June 10, 2005Newswise - We've written here before about reflective clothing thatmakes people seem todisappear.This technology is now beingused for spy planes. But even more innovations are coming:We will soon have clothes that can detect the presence ofchemical weapons, then clean and... continued
Violence Comes from Winning, Not Losing
June 10, 2005Newswise - In the past few years, many of us have been shocked by theviolent acts done by fans of professional sports. Forinstance, "football louts" in the U.K. routinely terrorizetowns where their favorite teams are playing, to the extentthat British... continued
Migrating Geese Spreading Superbugs
June 9, 2005This fall, like every autumn, we'll expect to see V-shapedformations of geese in the skies, honking as they fly southfor the winter. Now scientists have discovered thatmigrating geese may be spreading superbugs, those dangerous,antibiotic-resistant bacteria which are usually only found... continued
West Nile Cases Increasing Faster Than Ever
June 7, 2005Newswise - In the wake of the recent SARS and Bird Flu scares, most ofus have forgotten about the West Nile virus. But scientistsare still concerned about West Nile and they've discovered aquick new way that mosquitoes can pass West... continued
Why Woman are the Comfort Givers
June 6, 2005Newswise - Women are the comforters in our culture and they are notforgiving of other women who lack comforting skills. They'remuch more tolerant of men who lack the skills to becomforters. Communications specialist Brant Burleson says,"We think these women are... continued
Mexican Volcano Ready to Blow
June 6, 2005The Colima Volcano in Mexico's Jalisco State has producedthree powerful eruptions in the past four days, andvolcanologists are concerned that a major volcanic event maybe forthcoming. On May 30, the volcano, 450 miles fromMexico City erupted more powerfully than it... continued
North Korea Threatens Over Stealth Deployment
June 5, 2005Reacting to the US announcement last week that it woulddeploy 15 F-117 Stealth Bombers to South Korea, the Northhas claimed that the action is a preparation for war. ThePentagon described the deployment as a routine trainingmission, but the North reacted... continued
Child Abuse in the Military
June 5, 2005Newswise - The Department of Defense is investigating the high rates ofchild abuse and homicides at military installations acrossthe nation. Children living in military bases are twice aslikely to be killed by a parent or caregiver than otherchildren. Is this... continued
Why Some of Us are Tastier than Others
June 3, 2005Why do mosquitoes bite some people much more than others?This is merely annoying to those of us living in the West,but to people living in places like Africa, where malaria isrampant, it can mean the difference between life and death.Now... continued
Controversial Interview on Dreamland This Weekend
June 3, 2005PLEASE NOTE THAT THE STREAMING PROBLEM HAS BEEN CORRECTED ONTHIS PROGRAM AS OF 06/05/05. David Icke is one of the most controversial personalities inthe world, and this week guest host William Henry interviewshim about his view of the hidden meaning... continued